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  1. ForThousandsOfYrs

    So far so good pt2

    Thanks man hope all is good for u as well!
  2. ForThousandsOfYrs

    So far so good pt2

    Just an update on the same girl I been working with for a while since September. Pretty happy with where she’s going as of now
  3. ForThousandsOfYrs

    So far so good

    So couple threads back I was worried for this little one because of the weather mood swings around here and lately she or he has been doing good I had topped it thinking I was some mad scientist and it had stopped growing for quite a while but now it seems to be growing more and more and I’m...
  4. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Cannabis seeds stores

    Y’all know where to buy seeds from? Give y’all’s best options on where to buy em at I wanna explore like Dora vamanos thanks gracias!!
  5. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Top a the mornin!

    Hope y’all’s day is going mighty fine just wanted to share with y’all this lil dude or girl I had recently topped it yesterday because I just wanted to see how it’ll grow it’s been growing helllaaa slow because of the weather honestly been over a month now lol but it’s fighting for every...
  6. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Miracle grow perlite

    Would tap water be fine to use to wash off this dang ol mg perlite?
  7. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Miracle grow perlite

    My defense is unpregnable my offense is pregnable I’m gonna hit him so hard -Tike Myson
  8. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Miracle grow perlite

    Yeah right after I read y’all’s reply’s I started rinsing right away I might use this whole day today to rinse this perlite out just to be safe for to use tomorrow
  9. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Miracle grow perlite

    I just got some perlite but I know miracle Gro isn’t the best option but it’s the only option I have other than ordering it online but I was wondering as bad as this product is could I rinse the perlite before I add it to soil? Or would the fertilizer on the perlite still be fused even if I rinse?
  10. ForThousandsOfYrs

    A little help y’all!

    Haha yeah I live In the deep South so it just comes out naturally even when I type lol!!
  11. ForThousandsOfYrs

    A little help y’all!

    My bad y’all I’m not good at being specific lol I’m brand new to this especially with the plant being an outdoor but I use happy frog potting soil with organic compost and some peat moss to it! And I water twice a day every two days if that makes sense! Although whenever I’ll water , I’ll water...
  12. ForThousandsOfYrs

    A little help y’all!

    Thanks y’all and yes I’m using a soil mix of organic compost and peat moss! I usually water with spring water every two days and twice too once in the morning and past noon but with nutrients I’ll add every 10 days idk if that’s a good thing because I don’t know if I should be adding nutes...
  13. ForThousandsOfYrs

    A little help y’all!

    Ahh how would I fix that? I had recently watered them today too, should I not water them for a couple days and see how it goes?
  14. ForThousandsOfYrs

    A little help y’all!

    So the bottom leafs in this baby plant are starting to yellow , could it be because it’s wanting to fall of its own or is there some deficiency going on there? Also on one of the top leafs has a spot at the tippity tip in which I circled I don’t know if y’all able to see it well because of...
  15. ForThousandsOfYrs

    What is this soil mites????????

    Thank god I found this thread I was getting curious as well as I’m new to growing cannabis lol!
  16. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Fungus disease? Black spot on leaf

    Nice! Thanks for that it really eases my worries lol this is my very first grow and an outdoor grow too I’ve been doing as much research I can to keep him/her healthy. I know I probably have planted them in wrong time of season for outdoor I started him/her mid September and trying to keep the...
  17. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Fungus disease? Black spot on leaf

    Ah okay I was hella panicking when I noticed it lol!
  18. ForThousandsOfYrs

    Fungus disease? Black spot on leaf

    Thanks ya will do lol!