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  1. Muff Lebowski

    The Bonafide Dr/Pt Relationship- Pitfalls to Avoid in Certifications

    if we're all on ignore, who the fuck are you talking to?? classless to mention an unfortunate getting fucked by the feds over a plant. you're obviously part of the system and as such are 100% suspect in my book
  2. Muff Lebowski

    ATTN: Helicopters are checking #s in NW Michigan

    20 min ago. 14 and schoenherr. flew in a circle for 5 min then headed north
  3. Muff Lebowski

    Medical Marijuana: Voodoo or Legitimate Therapeutic Choice?

    The FDA approves drugs all the time with hideous side effects. Voodoo? like these the FDA approved? Long-term use is controversial due to concerns about adverse psychological and physical effects, increased questioning of effectiveness, and, because benzodiazepines are prone to cause...
  4. Muff Lebowski

    Counties Vie For Control In Nevada’s New Medical Marijuana Industry

    "now that we can see a way to fuck you people on're now allowed to use your demon weed!!" there can't be a more powerful indictment of the war on drugs. grease up amigos.....
  5. Muff Lebowski

    2 medical marijuana bills stall in Michigan Senate

    I'd like to know how the goobermint figures it can regulate and tax the shit out of something with a long history of being underground. The plant, while being illegal, developed into the #1 cash crop in the country if not the world. Cultivation and delivery systems already work and have for...
  6. Muff Lebowski

    2 medical marijuana bills stall in Michigan Senate
  7. Muff Lebowski

    In 2013 possession of an ounce of marijuana is.......

    i was gonna say underequipped lol. gotta agree with stoppin it now. i'd caution them on heavy taxes. i can't see a bunch of old school heads going along with 30-40% taxes on something that has thrived underground. i think they'll have to prove themselves not to be greedy assholes if...
  8. Muff Lebowski

    new j

    a few "weedmen" runnin around and the goobermint can go back to playin with themselves and wondering how they can "fix" the next problem
  9. Muff Lebowski

    Big Pharma’s Weed Winner

    Synthetic thc? Coming out of a 4yr zombie benzo life they can fuck off.....I'm done with big pharma
  10. Muff Lebowski

    As One - Build the Dream

    Count me in
  11. Muff Lebowski

    The Biker Thread.

    95 road king
  12. Muff Lebowski

    Should I be concerned?

    i wouldn't. no reason to
  13. Muff Lebowski

    Prescription Pain Medication Poised to be Leading Cause of Accidental Death in 2014

    they were just granted immunity by congress. they can poison at will
  14. Muff Lebowski

    senate bill 660 is now public act268 of 2013

    chuck perricone fronts for praire plant systems. he's a slippery fuck.......typical politician
  15. Muff Lebowski

    Happy New Year RIU!

    happy new year!
  16. Muff Lebowski

    The Ten Best Cannabis Research Studies of 2013

    Thanks man. Good info
  17. Muff Lebowski

    Focus on the Forgotten Medical Marijuana Patient.

    makes far more sense to fix the program then to pimp out sick people
  18. Muff Lebowski

    end of the dynasty?

    Tell her to change her panties.......