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  1. CHUCO


    Well all I got to say is that its not actually " Mexican dirt weed ",lol, but trainwreck is bad ass, and the other two ive never tried them. What I have done that ive got to say was the best Bubble Kush. one hit out of my bong and I was good. shit.. im only 17, ive got many years to try...
  2. CHUCO


    Yea thats true, but im done with that now im learning how to take care of my yeska. and, Hippie.. wut ever ur name says, if it is Mexican dirt weed, its fucken bomb ass fuck, hahaha. Roll it up...Light it up...Smoke it up...Inhale...Exhale, never mind TOKE IT TOKE IT!!!, hahaha:peace: :joint:
  3. CHUCO


    :mrgreen: :joint: :mrgreen: :joint: :blsmoke: you guys are funny, I come here to learn new things, but yet... theres retards like you guys doing what the picture says, stoned.latez:peace:
  4. CHUCO


    hahaha, kool:mrgreen:
  5. CHUCO


    Like I said.:mrgreen:
  6. CHUCO


    hahaha, I Post The Retard Comment...and He Still Argues. dam... This foo Is Funny. and No Its Not A Bad Thing To Be White, But Im Pretty Sure They Came Up With The Word fool.
  7. CHUCO


    I dont say fool, becuz im not white, ok foo, ok... look its you, as in all the haters, hahaha. To all the people who weren't ass holes, peace & love.:peace:
  8. CHUCO


    Its in my garage... damb you guys just cant stop saying stupid shit, you and the foo before you. I really dont give a fuck.:peace:
  9. CHUCO


    Since so many people want to see a pic of the marijuana, I took a pic. This is about 1.3 pounds, I coulndt resist smoking a lil:mrgreen: Its all bagged and ready to sell.
  10. CHUCO

    *bought some Salvia yesterday, tried it

    Well, what I think is that you should just buy the 40x salvia. All the lesser ones are a waist of money. When I took it I hallucinated for about 10 min, then felt the high for about 20. Thats probably cuz I toked it. ALWAYS TOKE :mrgreen: :joint:
  11. CHUCO


    Shooting someone below the waist isnt attempted murder, which is were I would shoot. and if they ask about the gun, its my dead uncles gun, which he lost the owners papers.:mrgreen: :joint: and yes I am sticking to Marijuana, I dont mess with man made shit.
  12. CHUCO


    No... not really, I didnt need a gun to be down before, I just got it for protection, you know like house intruders trying to come up on my plants.
  13. CHUCO


    First of all, it wasnt crack as in " crack coca ", it was crystal meth, I just call it crack because itz all the same to me. Second, crystal meth sells for $40 the g, and I had pretty much 3 oz, u make the math. Last, I did get around 3 oz from one dealer, HELLO hes a fuckin crack head... and...
  14. CHUCO


    Well I already got rid of the crack. I got my self 2 pounds of OG kush, and a 22 caliber gun. So thanx for the edvice. Laterz
  15. CHUCO


    Well ey, im on gang profile, so im considered a gangster. That means I can't get a job easly as you can. I need the money. Plus, im not selling it to the people who have families to support, Im selling it to those crack babies out on the street, you know the " homies ". Their already cracked out...
  16. CHUCO


    Damb, so I have alot of money in my pocket, in the form of a rock, kool, I live in the ghetto, I know what feinds do for rocks. But im not stupid to go alone to a dope deal. I sell marijuana for a hobby, I guess I just got a brake. Well my scale says, 49.2 g / 1.72 oz but im rounding them...
  17. CHUCO


    Last night I found crack, Cuz a dealer trew it when the cops chased him. So I put it on my scale and I have about 3 ounces, so can anybody tell me the prices of crack in grams, and ounces, please
  18. CHUCO

    favriote movie/tv show to watch when stoned

    I like to watch computer animated movies like Madagascar, The Incredibles, finding nemo. When your stoned the characters in the movie look real as fuck, except in the movie Cars, the cars look like there carboard, oh yea... and the background of the movies looks like their standing on a stage...
  19. CHUCO

    every ones first grow

    Im doing my first grow, right now I have a chronic plant in my back yard, Its getting there, its been a couple of weeks and it has 6 leaves, but still tiny.
  20. CHUCO

    Best Thing To Do While Your HIGH

    1. Drive around, makes it look like your heading towards a wall or like the road never ends, like if u were in a room, it looks like the road is moving but not the car. 2. Watch computer animated movies, ex. Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, etc. Only do this if your at home and have nothing...