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  1. H

    Are these Preflowers?

    you will know when you see them, they are very white
  2. H

    Closet Grow (First Attempt at Growing)

    im so used to it now that I like the pure indica shit even in the day, i dont even look stoned anymore
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    Closet Grow (First Attempt at Growing)

    depends on the strain but usually best at 30% amber.. but I like the couchlock high soooo yea and u get a little more
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    Bagseed Questions

    i once found seeds in a bag of exotic, purple indica.. thats what im doin now..
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    Plants Always Wilt and Die Under Cfl

    and some vermicalute n other stuff if u can afford it
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    Plants Always Wilt and Die Under Cfl

    if I was you I would just buy some good black earth and mix in half perlite
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    new pics soon.. see of green goin on
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    yupp thats what I though but the guy said it was good.. theres a pot leaf on the bottle lol
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    Plant Food Question!

    if it only has calcium and magnesium then its not too good for mj, you want something with n-p-k and higher n during veg, but you know that dont you?
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    ohh also I only have 21 in there now I had to take some out and put them under separate cfl's
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    Nope I am vegging them all till there too big to fit then about 27 or 28 are going outside, and ill bud 2 or 3 under 300 watts hps/mh/cfl.. im thinkin about putting them out around the middle of june cuz they ARE getting 24 hour light right now and outside its only 14 right now... so when do...
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    Plants Always Wilt and Die Under Cfl

    most places have seed starting mix jus use that till there 2-3 weeks
  13. H

    Plant Food Question!

    i wouldnt crush that n mix it.. that stuff is kinda crude if you only have that then start at a tiny dose n work up
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    I Need Lighting Advice Please!

    yaaa if you looking for just a couple ounces then go ahead but ur gonna have skinny plants with only the tops healthy, trust me been there
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    Topping Question

    thanks oldschool you just answered my question as to whether I should top or not.
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    Bagseed Questions

    not around here in canada though.. the commercial stuff has no seeds and the exotic never has seeds, sometimes if I get some outdoor thell be a couple
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    Where to Cut?

    cut it right at the top but the whole top, so that you just see 2 new sets right below and a tiny stem ontop. you can top alot but too much will stress it
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    Closet Grow (First Attempt at Growing)

    hey nice grow man... and if your looking for kind of a medicinal feeling then let most of the trichomes turn cloudy/amber
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    soil is the best they had at the local hydro store, its 'lambert all purpose potting mix' with peat moss, perlite, horticultural lime, bit of nutes, wetting agent, and humic acids. the veg nutes im using is called 'Growth Technology ionic grow' it is 3-1-5 kinda odd for veg but the hydro...
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    bump comon I need yall opinion if im doin this right