I Need Lighting Advice Please!

This is my secong grow. My first grow was outdoors and worked out ok. I have moved since then and outdoors is not an options. My questions is the following, I need to know if 3 42w CFL'S which are the equivalent to a 150watt bulb if this will be sufficient for veg and flower time for 3 small plants. HPS and other setups are not an option for me. ONLY CFLS... Please give me some advice....Anything would be appreciated... THank you


Well-Known Member
i would say yes for a couple of ( SMALL ) plants

since you dont have the option to get an hps then try to get a couple of ( Y ) splitters so you can add more cfls

just 3 ( Y ) splitters would allow you to have 4 cfls over your plant instead of 3


King Tut
Indoor cfl is generally accepted as 100w for the first plant and 50w for each additional plant. So 3 plants would require 250w +/-.


Active Member
You might be okay but keep in mind that cfls do produce some heat still and that you will want to be able to surround the plant with a mixed spectrum of them. Why is hps or other setups not an option? If it's due to space requirements you may want to look into either t8 or t5 fluoro tubes as well. Any more details about what your plan is will help others to help you.


Active Member
yaaa if you looking for just a couple ounces then go ahead but ur gonna have skinny plants with only the tops healthy, trust me been there