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  1. S

    Help please. New to HPS - Light distance/heat concerns

    Lights off its 17 Celsius Lights on 26 Celsius
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    Will this work?

    And i think the main reason would be.. yeild you can only yeild so much off an auto, the quality just isnt the same
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    Will this work?

    Ive heard alot of people say they cant taste the difference, thats kool i respect their opinion. It all comes down to this, if autos are so good why doesnt everyone grow them... think about it, everyone in the world would grow autos even lets say i dunno... jungle boys in america, why do they...
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    Gorilla glue white struggle

    Ideally you want to go into more detail if you have problems but just going off what youve said just give it time, shell fill out more
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    Will this work?

    If it wasnt for the people who helped me on this site i would of probably died from anxiety for my plants, just want to help out cause i know how it feels, but yh like i said de-fo from 6-7 inches from the top of each head down, so you leave the tops looking nice and full but underneath youll...
  6. S

    Need help with this deficiency!!

    I had this problem early on but my stops were much bigger on each leaf, amazingly i didnt use calmag to stop the issue my temps were just way too high and no air circluation
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    They could do with alot more de foaliation thats just my opinion, anything underneath 6 inches from the top of each head should come off
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    Can you guys help?

    You might be over watering them aswell
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    Can you guys help?

    They look hungry to me
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    Can you guys help?

    You want a litre of A and B A litre of cannazym And some rhizotonic 250ml will do
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    Can you guys help?

    Dude do yourself a favour and get some canna A and B, if your growing in canna soil use their nutes there not over priced for whag yoyr doing theyre really good, the boost is the only expensive additive but you can switch that for another flower booster if you so please
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    Possibly too much nitrogen? Any input is greatly appreciated.

    How often do you water and how much, what size pots are they in
  13. S

    Help needed, yellow and brown spots

    Give me a run down whats all the factors Temp Food Soil Everything
  14. S

    Help please. New to HPS - Light distance/heat concerns

    Keep the light a meter away, trust me when i say those lights are hot and you need all the fan you can get if your growing in a tent, i have my carbon filter awell as 1 big desk fan hanging upside down oscilating and under foaliage fan to circulate air at the bottom, people will always say led...
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    Gorilla glue white struggle

    Whats the temp in the room, what u feeding it, whats the humidity, try to list every possible thing so people can calculate an answer
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    Anybody knows what could have made this happen ?

    Dont panic bro cut the leaf off
  17. S

    Will this work?

    Top* down
  18. S

    Will this work?

    I was shitting bricks the first time i topped, was peering into the tent to see if i had killed them or not lol you just want the bestfoyur plants so heres what to do. When you next see them, get a tape measure, measure 7 inches from the to down, anything below that mark you want to de-foaliate...
  19. S

    Newbie grower in week 4 of flower suggestions or tips appreciated..

    They look good dude, like your father said all ladies are beautiful some will just take longer to bloom sometimes
  20. S

    Will this work?

    have you topped her atall