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  1. J

    Blueberry/trainwreck strain flowering time?

    hello all... ive recently grown 10 blueberry/trainwreck ladies. i took them from a friend as clones. im 50 days since i switched the lights 12/12. i believe they are done, the trichomes are turning milky white. just thought this was a little early?? any thoughts or info on the strain thanks...
  2. J

    Light cycle? Putting the ladies to sleep soon!!!

    Ive been running my lights on 24 hour light...Im putting the girls to sleep this weekend. Last couple grows Ive went from 24 on directly to12on/12 off. So thinking of easing them into night cycle. Maybe 18 on/6 off or something along those lines?? Ive heard that switching that drastic can...
  3. J

    Nutrient recommendation

    starting a new grow. growing in 70% ocean forest and 30% pro mix was debating between advanced nutrients iguana juice grow, bloom and bud candy or canna vega, flores and boost. i was told canna is designed for marijauna? is that true?? just wanted to see if anyone has used either of these...
  4. J

    anyone ever use Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice?

    recently potted my ladies in a fresh cut of Ocean Forest/Pro Mix....about 70% OF letting them live off the nutes already in soil for 2-3 weeks anyway wanted to try a new organic food this grow. wanted to try AN Iguana Juice line was planning AN Iguana Juice Grow for the veg and AN Inguana...
  5. J

    Any idea what could be wrong here??

    thanks alot! didnt want to start using nutes yet because they were fresh potted in 15 gal last week. I was hoping the Ocean Forest soil would provide enough nutes for couple weeks. BUT looks like I might have too also Im going to try the Advanced Nutrient Iguana Juice Grow....does AN carry a...
  6. J

    Any idea what could be wrong here??

    Hello I recently planted 10 blueberry/trainwreck plants. The plants are currently 1.5 month old. 1 plant has shown signs of yellowing, brown spots and even a burnt feel to the leaves?? Here are my specs: 15 gal pots 70% Ocean Forest 30% Pro Mix, with several layers of Coco for drainage 2...
  7. J

    what could cause yellowing and slight brown spots

    Hello I recently planted 10 blueberry/trainwreck plants. The plants are currently 1.5 month old. 1 plant has shown signs of yellowing, brown spots and even a burnt feel to the leaves?? Here are my specs: 15 gal pots 70% Ocean Forest 30% Pro Mix, with several layers of Coco for drainage 2...