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  1. B

    How long to leave the lights on

    Greetings, my seeds are up and very happy. What schedule should I put them on to begin with and how long do I leave it on that schedule before switching to a flowering time of 12/12? peace and love to all
  2. B

    The waiting is the hardest part

    Planted my seeds on Wed now its Sat and still no little heads poking up yet. Give me plain old Mexican seeds and there up and going in two maybe three days, pay for the really good stuff and its taking its own sweet time..
  3. B

    Now for the dirt

    For an indoor grow, what is the best soil to use, what brand name should I look for.. many thanks and a good nite to all.
  4. B

    Pot size

    Thank you all for your help, may the force be with you....
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    Pot size

    When the seeds are ready to be transplanted, do they go straight into the 5 gallon pot to live out their life, or do you have to put them into a small pot first? I guess what I want to know is how many times do you have to transplant the plants to get to the final product. Can't you just keep...
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    So excited

    I have a small closet and can only grow one or two plants. So keeping them in the ice box a good thing or bad? While I have you, can you tell me once the seedlings are up and going do I transplant the babies straight into their five gallon pots, or into a smaller pot transplanting them later...
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    So excited

    Yippee! I got my seeds today from sea of seeds just 10 after I ordered them, now I can get down to the real deal. Question, what's the best way to store seeds?
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    Advice please

    Very cool, lucky me the walls are white down comes the tin foil.
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    Advice please

    Thanks guys, but what about my set up.... It the light sufficient ?
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    Advice please

    Greetings world, I have a small closet, want to grow two plants. The light I am using is a Mini Sunburst Sodium 150 watt grow light. In addition to this what else do I need. The walls are covered in tin foil. What do you recommend for fertilizer, I have been using Botanicare power plant. One...
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    Seeds in Colorado

    If someone wanted to get some seeds while in Colorado is there a way to do so safely? If so how and where. Would this be safer than getting them on line?
  12. B

    Where did I go wrong

    Thank you everyone for your help. I cut them when the little white hairy things turned brown, trimmed them up and put them in a open crate in my dark closet. Checked them everyday until they were dry. I didn't pay any attention as to how long it took them to flower, My Bad.Their is a high but...
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    Where did I go wrong

    I think your right, I cut them when the little white hairy things turned brown, trimmed them up and put them in a open crate in my dark closet. Checked them everyday until they were dry. I didnt pay any attencion as to how long it took them to flower, My Bad.Their is a high but really next to...
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    Where did I go wrong

    Greetings all, according to the small amount of knowledge I have on growing, how good the end product is depends of the quality of the seed. I had some fairly good smoke,took those seeds, they grew and then when ready were cured. the result is great looking tops, smells good and produced no...
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    For a funny, happy energetic high

    Dam I wish I had access to any of that. Thank you all I have to do is get over my fear of ordering seeds on line.
  16. B

    For a funny, happy energetic high

    What strain of seed should I buy to produce this type of buzz? Any suggestions would be welcome.:-P