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  1. N

    Rootstock graft

    So we can reveg a plant post harvest would it work to graft a clone or 2 on to the main stork to use the rootstock
  2. N

    Next time round nutrients help

    All iv used is tomato feed in veg and bio bizz bloom and top max bloom This is my first attempt Altho this could have been a lot better iv had zero problems throughout I'm 2 week ish off finishing I wanted the AN line b4 I started but funds didn't stretch that far
  3. N

    Next time round nutrients help

    Thanks for that where can I buy super duper juice c??? Is it the same as unicorn jizz
  4. N

    Next time round nutrients help

    So I'm looking to use advanced nutrients for my next go with photopeirod I no I'd need grow a and b as well as bloom a and b but what elce and any 1 got a feeding chart
  5. N

    Molasses what's your opinion

    Great reply that thanks
  6. N

    Molasses what's your opinion

    So what's your opinion on feeding Molasses good or just a gimmick Any 1 dun a side by side comparison
  7. N

    Coco with advanced nutrients. PH???

    So I'm wondering If I was to use coco and feed with the advanced nutrients line Can I get away with not ph'ing the water/feed as there line is pH perfect just a thought answer's on a postcard
  8. N

    Partial crop

    If i was to only harvest the top of the plant would the bottom half buts continue to bulk up or just ripen more I'm asking as I didn't train any of the 4 that are now mid flower and looks like there will be a lot of popcorn nugs. Is there anything I can do at this stage
  9. N

    1 of 4 showing signs

    Yeah man for sure cheers
  10. N

    1 of 4 showing signs

    Thanks for the reply man very informative but way over my head it's my first full photo grow only other iv dun was an auto that hermied and a photo that iv just chopped What would you recommend Up to now iv had no signs of any problems so I'll just keep doing what Im doing for now don't wanna...
  11. N

    1 of 4 showing signs

    Day 30 I'm thinking iv stressed the hell out of it with it getting over dry
  12. N

    1 of 4 showing signs

    1 of 4 is getting yellow leaves Only the big fans are changing Can any 1 help 600w hps Bio bizz all mix Feeding bio bizz bloom Only problem iv had is I for got to water them the last watering so went a day thirsty but all perked back up a couple days after then a day later the big leaves are...
  13. N

    Maby a bit mad but..... Clones

    So my question is when taking cloans it's advised to clip the tips of the leaves to make it focus on rooting as I understand it. Is this correct????? If so what if one was to continue to clip the tips as they grow for a period of time whoud that then make it continue to focus on roots Let me...
  14. N

    So need to chop but no where to dry

    Others got at least a month left min
  15. N

    Yet a nuther is it ready post

    Cheers all looks like we will have to wait
  16. N

    So need to chop but no where to dry

    It's in the shed but temps down to 3-4 c at night now this will be too low won't it
  17. N

    So need to chop but no where to dry

    So the plan was to chop and dry in the tent but I have 4 other girls flowering now so can't really use the tent I was thinking of hanging the full plant in a box adding a fan to the box and placing it back in the tent, the idea is that the box will keep it dark fan for circulation let me know...
  18. N

    Yet a nuther is it ready post

    Cheers boys looks like 2morra will be the day will it dry OK in a cardboard box full plant hung with a fan
  19. N

    Yet a nuther is it ready post

    Well what do you think I'm on day 57 is she redy Iv not got a loop yet still waiting for it to arrive Pistals are brown now could do with the space too lol