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  1. umphreak420

    Big Black Indica from AMS

    I got 10 feminized from amsterdam marijuana seeds but haven't heard much about them. Anyone have experience?
  2. umphreak420

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Review - White Widow

    of the 20 free seeds i recieved, 8 germinated, 2 failed to pop open the cotyledons once they sprouted out of soil and one never sprouted after germinating. these are my first attempts at growing and wanted to use the freebies to gain experience. hopefully i'll have better luck with the feminized...
  3. umphreak420

    DR60 Temp problem

    i was hoping just a 250 watt hid and using it for a mother chamber and/or to grow a couple quick autoflowers. I don't think temps will be a problem because the room has been staying in the low 70s with a 400 watt hps light going but since this is my first grow ever and the seedlings are 3 weeks...
  4. umphreak420

    DR60 Temp problem

    Hi, first post noob here. Loving this site and learning alot. I just bought the dr 60. can someone tell me what size the exhaust duct holes are? I kno the bigger models are 6" but not sure for this one.