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  1. curious618

    When should I start worrying?

    Damn nice! Mine are WAY behind. Damn bagseeds and random unknown genetics. Don’t even know if they’re both female!!! Haha. I’m pretty sure the topped one is.
  2. curious618

    When should I start worrying?

    It’s a 2x4x5 tent. They were bagseeds so I’m not sure of the genetics or anything. I might try turning the light up a smidge see if that helps. And I’ll for sure be checking the timers just to be on the safe side.
  3. curious618

    When should I start worrying?

    They were 6-7 weeks in veg at 18/6 and they have been 12/12 for 3 weeks now, just starting week 4.
  4. curious618

    When should I start worrying?

    It’s a Chinese knockoff 240W QB. I don’t what the dimmer levels are but it is turned all the way down.
  5. curious618

    When should I start worrying?

    Yep 21 days of 12/12. Space is light proof. Tape over the dehumi light. No other light sources. The tent is in a dark shed, sprayed the little light holes with spray insulation.
  6. curious618

    When should I start worrying?

    Both my plants are just now into Week 4 flower, and I don’t see any definitive male/female/Hermie parts yet and I don’t see any bud sites forming yet. I can smell them and they have definitely stretched. I just fed half strength flower nutes a few days ago. I am watering when the pot is light...
  7. curious618

    Check Out These Balls. (Male or Female)

    Man I’m on my first grow so I’m a newbie, but those look like nuts to me.
  8. curious618

    Mars hydro ts1000. 150w

    Just over 20w per sq ft. Should be ok but I agree with @ProteinPapi420. 5 plants is too much for a 2x3. I have a 2x4 and I’m running 2 plants.
  9. curious618

    First time flowering

    Think it’s time to start feeding nutes? Yellowing bottom leaves and very light green new growth. No nutes in a while due to some N tox I was dealing with during Veg. They’re in Week 3 flower.
  10. curious618

    First time flowering

    Updated pics of the female and the possible male.
  11. curious618

    First time flowering

    Is this one a male?
  12. curious618

    Lst newb

    With those two things they should stretch up and get a lighter green color.
  13. curious618

    Lst newb

    That very well could be the case. I can only speak from experience. Mine bushed up a bunch early on then I lifted the light and saw some good upward growth.
  14. curious618

    Lst newb

    I’m still a newbie myself but I say lay off the nutes and let the N tox heal itself and lift that light up.
  15. curious618

    Lst newb

    Try to take a pic with the light off. Could be wrong about N tox.
  16. curious618

    Lst newb

    How big is the tent?
  17. curious618

    Lst newb

    They look to be bushing you and not getting very tall, may want to move the light up to 24in or more. And it looks like you may have a little N tox. Hard to tell with the blurple on but the leaves look a little dark green.
  18. curious618

    Lst newb

    How far away are your lights?
  19. curious618

    1 week into flower

  20. curious618

    1 week into flower

    Y’all think those node pics I posted are male or female? My instinct leans towards male but I don’t see nuts yet.