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  1. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    Today makes 3 weeks so it was time for their first top. Here's some before and afters
  2. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    So another four days have passed and they're doin fine. They got a res change on saturday with fresh distilled water and some new nutes. The one on the left is filling out very well while the other seems to be a bit more lanky.
  3. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    Word up FryingPanFlyer. I wont be doing that again. I've learned my lesson. Stay tuned. I'll be updating soon. Another busy weekend is ahead of me.
  4. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    Been a few days since the last update. They are doing very well so far. The weather has gotten cold this past week and my inside temps are showing it. It's been low 70's in the cab and the water is the same. That's a lot considering last week it was in the mid 80's. I haven't even had to cool my...
  5. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    Welcome to the show McNerdius! I Had a very busy weekend so here they are as of tonight. My rez temps have been less than satisfactory so i got some blue ice packs to throw in there. They are actually held at the bottom by a piece of rubber matting with holes in it i got from wally world. My...
  6. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    Okay so some friends came over last night. I got real high and after everyone left I overfed the babies. Wasn't paying attention to my measurements. :wall: Not bad though but they were curling under and had little brown spots. Today I acted quick and changed rezs and refilled with distilled...
  7. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    So here's a little update. I've wrapped the foam plates in some foil to block the light on the hydroton and reflect it. Also, tonight will be the first night they will start 20/4. I'm starting to see lots of roots coming out of the starter cube.
  8. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    I'm not really sure yet. Since they're bagseed I probably wont do a very long veg. maybe a month. Height may cause me to veg early also. The next round will be some quality seeds so i'll go longer with them. This is pretty much a trial run.
  9. Mr. Nugs

    First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)

    Dude...that's gonna be some fire shit
  10. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    Hell yeah on the Romulan dude. A DWC is soo easy and the growth is amazing. They just broke the surface Fri. it's only been 4 days!
  11. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    I'm using Fox Farm grow big. The guy at my local hydro shop suggested it. Here they are this morning. The next set of leaves are coming in nicely. What Up to everyone and thanks for taking a look! Any comments are appreciated.
  12. Mr. Nugs

    SH Grow Journal

    Looking good bro! Scribed. I've got a very similar setup. You are a few days ahead of me though. Good luck. Check out my grow in my signature.
  13. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    Tonight the babies have gotten a rez change with some fresh distilled water. Replaced the 6th of nutes. Using foxfarm by the way. Here's a few more pics. Seems #2 has gotten much bigger than #1.
  14. Mr. Nugs

    First grow DWC and CFL (bagseed)

    So I've been on RIU for a few months now gathering info and planning my operation. So here's my first go at a grow. Being this is my first grow, I thought I would start with some bagseed. I only had 2 seeds. Decent stuff. I started germinating on wedns. 10/3/09. Major props to Roseman. Without...