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  1. G

    What's happening?

    Can't get temps to change but I do have airflow. They have been growing good. I started adjusting the height of the light and messed it up
  2. G

    What's happening?

    600watt mh. The light was close I think that's what caused them to start to droop. I moved the light almost 3ft away. Temp is usually 80 and 40%rh
  3. G

    What's happening?

    Merry Christmas! Not sure what's going on with my plants they've been droopy the last few days so I changed their water. Just did ro water ph'd to 5.6. Today they're not drooping but a few leaves are burned. Some look dried up what causes this?
  4. G

    DWC Issues

    I'm using the same nutes plus superthrive at 1drop/gal plants like it. I just pushed mine to full strength nutes and plants seem to be really responding well. This is my first grow and I use the 111 ratio suggested on the back of the bottle. I run cal/mag about 250ppm. I do have ro water...
  5. G

    Do they look alright?

    I didn't take it as being rude it's all good
  6. G

    Do they look alright?

    Switched the light schedule this week to an 18/6 we'll see how it goes. They're growing everyday and still looking healthy. Thanks guys
  7. G

    Do they look alright?

    Yeah I guess it is aluminum tape/foil tape wasn't thinking. I just needed to stop light from shining through. i painted the buckets but the light still seeped through so I just taped them up. I bought some black square buckets for the next grow.
  8. G

    Do they look alright?

    its not tinfoil but its what I had laying arounf the house.
  9. G

    Do they look alright?

    Sup y'all, Doing my first grow and decided to jump right into hydro. 5gal buckets I just wanted to know if these plants are looking alright? They started off really slow. Learning curve I guess but I think I got everything going in the right direction now. Started Pure Power Plant from seed. As...