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  1. VargasGirl

    Final 2 weeks, how to flush properly?

    Preliminary information- First Hydro Grow, 1 light and 1 4x4 ebb and flow table, 1 35 gal Res. Currently they are on a two time daily 15 min watering schedule. So I'm about to approach the 2 week mark prior to harvesting 3 of my 9 ladies. Here in lies the rub. I have 9 girls but they are in...
  2. VargasGirl

    120V or 240v Electrical Questions

    how hard it is to wire to the old breaker, how would i even do that?
  3. VargasGirl

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Ok so I need some electrical help that I can't get from my right winged electrician. So I have a room built in my garage, that has 4 electrical outlets in it. Currently I have a Grow lab tent for my veg, with a t-5, water pump and fan plugged in. I also have 2 1000W lights that I need to...
  4. VargasGirl

    120V or 240v Electrical Questions

    Ok so I need some electrical help that I can't get from my right winged electrician. So I have a room built in my garage, that has 4 electrical outlets in it. Currently I have a Grow lab tent for my veg, with a t-5, water pump and fan plugged in. I also have 2 1000W lights that I need to...
  5. VargasGirl

    What type of tables should I put my 4x4 trays on?

    Yes it is a flimsy fold up card table, but I do have some plywood lying around, what if I used that to reenforce it? That could work no?
  6. VargasGirl

    What type of tables should I put my 4x4 trays on?

    So I have a veg tent and need to set up the other part of my room for flowering. I have 2 4x4 trays that have ebb and flow holes in the middle. What type of tables should I use? I was originally thinking of having 2 30"x96" and running them side by side with the gap positioned in the middle...
  7. VargasGirl

    1st Grow- need help PLEASE!

    Just to add some info- they are white widow clones.
  8. VargasGirl

    1st Grow- need help PLEASE!

    So here's my set up- I have a 2x4x6' grow lab tent with a 4 bulb T-5 in there and a small ocillating fan. I picked up my clones on Monday and transfered them yesterday into larger Grodan blocks, but I'm worried about some of them. One it think is a total goner, it is drooping majorly and...