120V or 240v Electrical Questions


Ok so I need some electrical help that I can't get from my right winged electrician.

So I have a room built in my garage, that has 4 electrical outlets in it. Currently I have a Grow lab tent for my veg, with a t-5, water pump and fan plugged in.

I also have 2 1000W lights that I need to plug in to start my flowering, but from everything I read i don't think my room has enough juice for all of this stuff that I need to run to have a successful grow without blowing fuses.

My house has a hottub that is not in use, and in the breaker box it has it's own fuses labeled spa, is there some way that I can reroute that extra voltage (which I think is 240V) to my room easily?

Is there another way to get extra V's in there?

I'm going to have my light balices outside of my room to keep it cooler.
I heard that there might be a way I can use the dryer plug with some sort of conversion?

There is also something I saw online for like 150 bucks that says it converts 120V to 240V- but that seems too easy.

I'm not afraid of spending a reasonable amount of money, but I want whatever will work the best. HELP https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif