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  1. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    I just got my 5 all sexed. 2 females. I'll snap some pics of the girls still in veg soon. I plan on finishing the 2 female clones out see what I'm working with before I put the plants they come off of into flowering.
  2. Mztoker

    A Super Sweet Seeds Ⓡ Promo

    Pick me I'll pay for shipping lol.
  3. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Well so far I got 1 male. Few more days and I should know sex of rest
  4. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    5 out of 5 for the clones. Just waiting for sex.
  5. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Update. Clones looking promising. The 2 bigger leaves I left on all the clones dried out but now I'm starting to see some new growth In 4 out of the 5. Hoping in next week they will show me some.cunt hairs
  6. Mztoker

    O-high-O growers sound off

    Also right now I have some white think, carmelisious, raspberry cough, and ice. Then I have some beans that were sent from another member. Can't remember off top of head but I know one is a Gobi og cross. Really looking forward to that one.
  7. Mztoker

    O-high-O growers sound off

    There moving right along. Just took some clones and threw them into flowering. I have a few different phenos. One of witch is short and bushy and probably one of most healthy plants I've seen. Hoping it's a she.
  8. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Clones are hanging in there. Don't look pretty but from past experience I think that they will bounce back.i really only topped the plants then used the tops to try to clone. So they were a bit on the smaller side. Time will tell.
  9. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    I think it killed my clones lol. Never had a problem before. But these are looking not so good. Hopefully I go back tomorrow and they look better
  10. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    I also am having same temp problems. Weather is fucking crazy I had my Harley out yesterday and now maybe snow this weekend lol. Here' a little pic of the tops of my rasperry cough bush I just.chopped and now have room to sex these plmrs.
  11. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Well I plan on taking some clones from my plmrs here in next day or 2. Gonna put them strait into flowering and see what im working with.
  12. Mztoker

    The Legend of G-13 for the non-believers.

    I love me a good fairy tale lol. I once had a dog that used to talk to me when I got high. Lol
  13. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Sounds delicious.
  14. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Awesome man. Great to be able to see mommy and dad. My five are coming right along. Id say another 2 weeks maybe and we can take some cuts and flower to find sex
  15. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Ebb whats the news on the sex of your plmr
  16. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    There aint much info on web ive found on it. But what i did find didnt sound nessesarly bad. In other types of planta this will increase.flower size. At least thats what ive read. Maybe ill make a post see what others think. But its my buddys mother and im wondering if this really increases...
  17. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Any u guys ever see a plant that is mutated where the stalk is flat? Even the clones took from it same thing its normal then 4 nodes up it turns flat. I belieblve its something called fascination or aome shit.
  18. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Lookin good ebb. Mine are still in solo cups hanging out in the corner of room with others soon as i can im gunna take clones before uppotting because of space issues
  19. Mztoker

    Purple Lime-a-Rita

    Me either i dont like the idea of it really.
  20. Mztoker

    Super Pruning

    I pruned that exact way and vegged these 2 girls for about 3 months. There now 4 weeks into flower