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  1. curious618

    Trimming and topping.

    I’m a newbie but my two cents....let the 5th node develop then once you see new growth above that 5th node, that’s what you chop off.
  2. curious618

    PH question

    I calibrated my PH pen and tested the water I give and it came out above 8. This is just straight water from the hose(for the Cal). Mine have had some N tox so it’s been straight water for a few weeks now. The nutes I feed you apply straight to soil then water within 24hr so I am unsure of what...
  3. curious618

    First time flowering

    Stop me if I get too paranoid or worried here....but woke up this morning to find them sorta droopy. I watered yesterday and soil still feels moist under the surface. Any ideas what it could be? Again sorry if I’m being an over paranoid newbie here but just don’t wanna kill them. Also, seen some...
  4. curious618

    First time flowering

    They just woke up and seemed to have bounced back nicely.
  5. curious618

    First time flowering

    Oh yea I understand. This being my first time all way through I’m gonna let the one grow naturally. The other one I just topped once and am gonna let it go. I’ll manage them if they start getting too close to light. Right now it’s about 15-16in and I have some room to lift up. My next grow I...
  6. curious618

    First time flowering

    Makes so much sense thank you so much. Hope I didn’t mess them up too bad.
  7. curious618

    First time flowering

    That’s what I figured. They last got watered on Friday. Seems like they’re getting more thirsty. Gave them both a good drink this morning. Thanks man!
  8. curious618

    First time flowering

    These are under a 240W qb Chinese knockoff. It’s 3500k so should have a decent mixture of spectrum. The pots did feel a light and dry so I gave them a water. They dark in an hr so I’ll check on them right before they go to sleep and right when they wake up. Hopefully they were just thirsty.
  9. curious618

    First time flowering

    Just updated my post sorry
  10. curious618

    First time flowering

    HELP: woke up to this. What happened?!?!
  11. curious618

    First time flowering

    Man I know. These were already 7-8 weeks into veg and they had been under a bunch is stress. This is my first time all the way through so I’ve definitely learned a ton for my next grow
  12. curious618

    First time flowering

    Can I tie them down now even though they’re already in Flower?
  13. curious618

    Veg only QB LED wattage

    Another option might be to use my knockoff 240w QB dimmed down in the veg tent. Then get like an HLG 260 for the flower tent.
  14. curious618

    Veg only QB LED wattage

    It will probably only be for two plants. It’s gonna be some combination of the 100 and/or the 65.
  15. curious618

    Veg only QB LED wattage

    Think I could get away with an HLG100?
  16. curious618

    Veg only QB LED wattage

    I am looking to use a 2x4x5 for veg only going forward. How many watts would I need for that space? Looking at HLG and just need to know which kit to buy. Thanks.
  17. curious618

    First time flowering

    Here they are after initial dark period. New growth looks super light. When would y’all suggest I start feeding flower nutes?
  18. curious618

    First time flowering

    Flipped everything this evening. They will get 22 1/2 hrs of darkness then on the 12/12 schedule. Turned light up to full power and lowered to 15-16in above plant. Dehumidifier on. 2nd fan put in for extra circulation.
  19. curious618

    Red light for flowering?

    Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but is it advantageous to add in a straight red light during flower? If so, how many watts to make a difference? Using a 240w knockoff QB in a 2x4x5 tent. Thanks!
  20. curious618

    First time flowering

    More stretching and more light green! The one I topped is pretty and the natural one is getting tall! Flip to flower in 2 days.