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  1. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    Buds are still fluffy, any OG grower knows if they have time to dense up fully in about 2 weeks time?
  2. canope

    Macro growing in Africa

    East coast baby
  3. canope

    Yellow tips, rust, brownish tips

    I’m around 1100 ppm, will check runoff and report back, thanks guys
  4. canope

    Yellow tips, rust, brownish tips

    tbh it's not the the clone supplier it's the environment I work in, we have multiple grow rooms and some people are just not careful enough
  5. canope

    Yellow tips, rust, brownish tips

    @TintEastwood I always tag you but you always have the answer lol
  6. canope

    Yellow tips, rust, brownish tips

    Yes I have some but it's too late now to keep treating and I doubt they are the ones making these yellow leaves
  7. canope

    Yellow tips, rust, brownish tips

    I have a theory, I think my ppm is fine but they dry out too much and don't get enough runoff so it makes some concentrate sauce as some point in day. So to fix it instead if lowering ppm I'd feed more often/longer. Makes any sense?
  8. canope

    Yellow tips, rust, brownish tips

    also lots of dead leaves under canopy
  9. canope

    Yellow tips, rust, brownish tips

    Coco, ppm 1100, fed 3 times a day, staying withing vpd.
  10. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    I have the Pulse, but not the pro. I Love it
  11. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    Last tun 24 lights 39#. I had to chop early. I’m hoping to get 2#/light on this one
  12. canope

    First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

    3000k but they're not all the same color, some might be 3500k or in-between. So far the plants grow all the same no matter what
  13. canope

    Macro growing in Africa

    I have an opportunity to help some friends start a large scale farm somewhere in Africa. I'll update the project here as it goes. We are currently doing soil tests, water tests and that sort of stuff. The DLI is ideal so that's good. Now I need strains ideas for growing in a humid climate at a...
  14. canope

    Coco end run treatment

    I’m about to finish my first run in coco and I want to re-use the coco. I’m using a drain to waste system. What’s the best way to neutralize the coco beside flushing for anweek do you add something else to dissolve the roots? Thx guys
  15. canope

    Plants too tall

    Got it thanks guys
  16. canope

    Plants too tall

    Breaking it off or breaking and repair with tape at a 90deg angle? This is a real question
  17. canope

    Plants too tall

    I’m in week 3 of flowering and I have a few plants that stretched too high up and are touching the lights, should cut 6 inch off? Try to bend them?