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  1. moshimoshi

    Using the wrong spectrum :(:(:(

    fer shur bro.
  2. moshimoshi

    420 harvest

    lol i didnt see the jk either. hahah it seems to have ppl riled up
  3. moshimoshi

    g13 pure gold couple weeks flower

    looks awesome. im curently growing g13. best ive ever had. hands down
  4. moshimoshi

    Critical Mass Tree Grow x 2

    .... ive never been more impressed in my life...
  5. moshimoshi ?

    well i wont lie. when i saw on the website that they dont accept email. only snail mail. i was rather weary. but hey if it works it works.
  6. moshimoshi

    How many ppl grow for a livin?

    hmmm. prolly wont hear many answers from that one. lol
  7. moshimoshi

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    Hey got here a little late. read about your mh grow!!!! great job. im doing an all mh grow my self. 1000watt. got 10 Mr. Nice clones in flower!! hope they turn out as good
  8. moshimoshi

    Hmm what could this ne now...?

    hmm. now when you say dry it. you are talking about full on drooping leaves dry? ive read that covering them in a layer of sand and possibly watering from the bottom would help... is this true or more fourm myth?
  9. moshimoshi

    Hmm what could this ne now...?

    really? no one?
  10. moshimoshi

    Hmm what could this ne now...?

    Now this aint my first rodeo (lil southern joke there lol) but what in the hell is this.... Now i grow indoors. Water maybe every 4 days. i use soil. i believe it is a mix of MG organic and Hyponex. i have a 1000w MH and its in the second or third week of flowering. I use General Hydro ferts. i...
  11. moshimoshi

    Need some help in my grow room.

    Hi everyone. first time poster very long time reader. I have had quite a few sucsefull grows, but now I am in a new place, new room, new everything. here is a little info. about my room:the room is a 3x8x8 closet. my light is a 1000 mh. I have drilled a series of holes in the door and have a...