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  1. conman322

    Hps temp question

    have you a bunch of grow journals on here machnak?
  2. conman322

    New Setup, 2nd Time Grower, 2x150watt HPS - G13 ;)

    dude i just caught up on this. nice my friend. I just planted my legal 6 one week from today and it is so exciting. so youre looking at about what? 4 mnths sed to harvest? im considering starting my own grow journal but idk yet... it is my first indoor grow so we shall see.
  3. conman322

    A WILD *insert strain here* HAS APPEARED!

    already saw a post regarding these seeds, but i hear from a good friend that the leia og GGS just dropped on attitude is supposed to be DANK (as usual i suppose).
  4. conman322

    Good brand to get Chronic seeds

    Since my last post is already presumed dead, (so sad), i would ask about where to get good chronic seeds. any other recommendations for high yielding plants are welcome. CONMAN:weed:
  5. conman322

    Critical mass

    really/ no replies? i would have thought for sure with all of the heath robinson fanatics on here (and dont get me wrong, he is incredibly talented) that i would have gotten at least SOME info smh
  6. conman322

    Critical mass

    What up all, i was wondering who has grown critical mass around here as i am in the process of tracking down SHANTI to get my hands on some seeds. also any other input on getting Mr. Nice seeds or Apothecary genetics in the us would be very helpful. CONMAN:eyesmoke:
  7. conman322

    Hps temp question

    Oh okay I got you. So if I had one fan pushing hot air out of the closet and one pointing upward gettin that hot air that sits up top I should be good?
  8. conman322

    Hps temp question

    in regards to my above comment, is there a thread for grow logs or should i just turn this into one haha? CONMAN
  9. conman322

    Hps temp question

    So as far as cooling the hood, just another fan set up directly at the hood or what? I might just have to start a grow log on here since theres alot of knowledgeable people around these threads. Thanks dude
  10. conman322

    Hps temp question

    Whats goin on all, first time indoor grow, i have 4 babies veggin under fluoro tubes now. Just planted on the 4th. Once my flower cycle gets here i was going to run a simple adjustable 250 watt hps system, digital ballast, not air cooled or anything. My main question is how to expect my temps...