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  1. loaded dervish

    let me know what you think!!

    i got 10 paradise seeds rox, 10 nirvana super skunk, 5 sweet seeds ice cool. these are all early finishers witch sould help becuse i live in washington were it rains alot.
  2. loaded dervish

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hey i live in washington i am attempting my frist outdoor grow. The humidity arowned me is always high like 60 in middle of day and 100% some nights. How mutch problems will i have with bud rott. What is the best way to prevent bud rott? any info would be greatly apreciated.
  3. loaded dervish

    worryed about bud rott

    Dose no one know the anwser. I have been looking all arowned cant find anything. Someone plz help me!!
  4. loaded dervish

    Week by week growth info please

    Ya do a 12/12 see the sex get rid of males your plants will keep growing in the flowering. You start the flowering at 2 feet you will end up with 4 feet plants easy.
  5. loaded dervish

    Humidity !!!

    i live next to the water so my humidity is always high i mean like in the 80-90s idn if i can grow outside. But i will try will have a good fight on my hands with mold!
  6. loaded dervish

    worryed about bud rott

    I was reading and bud rott is caused by humidity i always have like 90%. My grow is like 300 feet from salt water so we always get alot of humidity. I live in washington so it rains alot. It is also really cold in washington is there any way i can fight bud rott?
  7. loaded dervish

    best soil at home depot

    So this is going to be my final decision. Start seedlings in mg seedling soil. Then i will get 6 bags of patio plus 1 for each plant. I will get 1 bag of perlite to mix in with all 6 bags. I will start my seeds indoors on 4/20 then put them out doors in holes 5/30 give them time to veg so they...
  8. loaded dervish

    Help me pick soil from Home Depot???

    ok start your seeds out with mg seeding soil. Then go to home depot and get patio soil it is the next best thing. That is what i am going to try did all the reserch and that is the best option. I hope this helps!
  9. loaded dervish

    best soil at home depot

    thanks i still am thinking about witch bags to use and nutes idn i can always go with diffrent bags. I want to now the easyest i am new to growing and dont want a epic fail first grow. so trying to stay away from mg becuse the ferts. should i get a bag that is just to grow seedlings. Then a bag...
  10. loaded dervish

    best soil at home depot

    if i cut down on the dose of furts will i be ok like just put in a tespoon to a gallon of water. I am starting to like patio plus more and more is it good for seedlings?
  11. loaded dervish

    best soil at home depot

    I was looking arowned and found mg seeding soil. i think they said it was 5 1 5 or sompthing low like that. i will go with patio plus. i got some nutes from homedepot they are mg is that bad it is 24-8-16 for veging.
  12. loaded dervish

    Home Depot Soil and Nutes?

    I had the same question as you i am thinking about starting my seeding out in mg organic. I will dig my holes outside and put scotts potting soil in the holes. From what i hear that whould be the best. You want no nutes when you first start your plants off.
  13. loaded dervish

    best soil at home depot

    Ok so this is my first grow. I now i need a good soil but do not now witch one to get. do you need a different type of soil for seedings. Would 1 bag of soil per plant make a good monster. I do not want to skimp on my soil better to spend a couple of bucks more for better quality. So for all you...