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  1. Psyclops

    Whats wrong ?

    Lower leaves will yellow and eventually fall off. Perfectly natural.
  2. Psyclops

    Harvest one plant over two days?

    You are good as Gold. Sometimes growers will harvest in parts (over a week or even 2) to wait for the bottom half to ripen.
  3. Psyclops

    My New (first) Grow Room and First Grow

    Looks very nice and clean. I have been using FF soil and nuts with great results. The only thing I would consider for your next grow is to put holes (and I mean lots of them) in the side of your buckets. This will help with oxygen intake and help a ton with drainage. Be sure the bottom of...
  4. Psyclops

    Dont know whats going on NEED HELP! PLZ

    Your humidity is Very Low. I like to keep my vegging plants in the 60 to 70% range. Looks as if you would benefit from a flush with plain water and the plant in the smaller pot (pic #5) may need a bigger home.
  5. Psyclops

    HELP!!! Leaves look wrong!!

    You might try Cal/Mag.
  6. Psyclops

    Yellow, Brown, Purple, Stuntin' - This plant is hard to figure out.

    If it your desire to save them. Weed is very hearty so most likely they can survive. I have seen worse looking plants survive. Patience will be key to there success. I would transplant them into soil that doesn't have time release ferts. An organic mix from Lowes or HD is good. Especially...
  7. Psyclops


    Hello all!!! I have been a lurker for a bit and guess it is about time I introduce my self. I have been growing for a few years, not an old timer yet but working on it. I started in active hydro and ended up in soil. Go figure. I look forward to meeting some fine growers and soaking up...
  8. Psyclops

    Yellow, Brown, Purple, Stuntin' - This plant is hard to figure out.

    IMHO they look to me as if they have root rot to add to your list of problems. I am going to throw flames in the fire :shock: and tell you that while growing in soil STOP checking and messing with your ph. The soil acts as a buffer between nutrients and the roots. They look very familiar to...
  9. Psyclops

    Confirmation of A Male

    The second pic in your first post is a female.
  10. Psyclops

    Does fresh air supply actually make any difference?

    If you want to make the biggest/best differance in your "quality". I would suggest, rather than bringing fresh air in, add Carbon Dioxide. Your plants use CO2 as an energy source and exhaust Oxygen. Peace