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  1. S

    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Technoflora it is. Full recipe for success I assume. I'll get it tomorrow and switch. Thanks for the help. I've seen your grows hellraizer, If you said collect the saliva from 5 gray rats and brush it on your leaves Id be going hunting! thanks again!
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Is it my hopeful imagination or in those last pics it looks like they are coming back? Due the starting lucas a week ago? Does lucas need mag?
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Hopefully these real-light pics are better. What ec/ppm would you reccommend?
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Yes, they have been on lucas formula=cal/mag for about a week now. My floods are for 15 minutes. The h-ton, all tubes, and nutes were bought brand new for this round. Hydrofarm tubes, so I don't believe they are toxic like NGW. I'm all ears..I have GH3, botanicare cal/mag, floroblend,superthrive...
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Stems are all purple if that means anything. The same strain in soil stem is green.
  6. S

    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Ive vegged 24/7 for 8 years without problems. Maybe this system needs to sleep. I'm willing to try anything at this point. Vegged plants in RW cubes 24/7 and they grew beautiful for 2 weeks...until I put them in CAP system.
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Raised a few buckets so no standing water. Floods back to 3 times a day(every 8 hours, lights on 24). Is 1.6 EC too much? Lucas + botanicare cal/mag. Don't quite get why after 2 months only 1 buchet has 1 root coming out of the bottom. I believe it is a root prob as well, but they are all...
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Lights are always on at this point. I went 3 times a day from the start and this is what happened. Then I started playing with more flood times.
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    2 months in veg. Started with Gh full line, I've now got lucas formula + cal/mag for the last 10 days. started floods at twice daily, then 3times after a week. when that wasn't working I went every 3 hours. im now at every 4 hours. EC=1.6. I had roots like yours one round, the second round in...
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Out of the bottom is one half in root with 6 -1/8 in roots off the side of it, same color as shown. thank you for the help.
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Thank you for your response. Res is outside room and no smell or signs of nasties in buckets. Roots just hit bottom a couple days ago. I'll raise up a couple buckets and see if they do better than others.
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    GUSH is the strain.
  13. S

    CAP ebb and grow failures

    The last pic is same strain, it was the runt. I put it in soil and it now looks better than the 2 month hydro plants.
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    CAP ebb and grow failures

    Hello RIU. Prior to getting the CAP system I enjoyed great success for years flooding tables, growing in coco, organics, Hempy style coco buckets and DWC. I hear nothing but stories of great success using cap easy it is etc. Ive now done 5 runs in this system, one of which was...
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    Well Priced Hash and Trim

    Unfortunately this formula will not work. You are not taking into consideration that ALL thc will not be extracted...and a portion of your 15% example WILL be plant matter, a big portion. When I first got into making hash I mistakenly thought the 25micron was the best, however the 73-90 micron...
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    Clones Problem Rock wool to Soil PLEASE HELP!

    303 hit it I believe. Peat moss is too acidic for mj IMO.
  17. S

    Help soil seems to be growing faster than Hydro ( dwc)

    Hi Kenny, what do your roots look like in the DWC? What are your current PPM's? Is there any slime/smell inside your res? This info will be helpful to whomever tries to help.
  18. S

    Ebb/Flow Medium

    I've heard nothing but bad about STG. I tried searching for a mj grow that actually finished using it, but was unable to find one. Seems problems start in a couple weeks with the staying oversaturated leading to root problems and ultimately the insert collapses in on itself. I too am sick of...
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    Hi folks, I'm Shmoked :eyesmoke:. Hope everyone's having a good day. I thoroughly enjoyed all 237 pages of the CAP thread. Just fired up some sour GDP to burn while I cruise around this place some more. See ya'all around. Shmoked