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  1. B

    My baby

    Solfire gardens purple marmalade grown in coco loco and using FF trio nutes. Under a bloombeast B800 COB. This is 31 days into flower. Currently recovering from some light burn and bad salt build up and subsequent lock out but still looks
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    No it came with it. Its some boujie ass coco soil hybrid mix and its fucking horrible lol. You guys have a good soil recommendation? I have used ffof with some success.
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    Yea I will never use it again, its been almost impossible to control ph.
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    Should have been more specific
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    So your recommendation is to water daily with 1/4 strength nutes? And do you water until you get run off or just to get the soil wet?
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    That could be the problem, I have been watering about once every 2-3 days with nutes every other watering.
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    So this plant had low run off ph and was looking locked out. I flushed it yesterday in the sink with 6.3 going in and 5.7 coming out. I flushed it until the run off was showing 6.15-6.20. and then put it back in the tent. This morning she is looks very deficient and im wondering if I can wait...
  8. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    I have an 800w COB LED for one plant also lol. I have it 18 inches from the canopy and its dialed back about 20%
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    weird stuff on leaves.

    Because I have a 190cfpm vent fan running 24/7 and the tent is only 2x2x3 I figured that it wouldn't matter where I put it do to the amount of air exchange? But maybe thats not a bad idea
  10. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    One was blank
  11. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    Looking better after some TLC. I think baking soda is causing some salt issues so I ordered some PH up that came today. Baking soda is NOT a stable buffer in coco and hopefully I can not lose too much yield.
  12. B

    Help please. Leaves all turning yellow.

    Seems spot on, maybe salt accumulation? Did you do a pre flower flush? I would check your run off ph and ppm. If thats not messed up then I would say you just have hungry plants that need another 300-500ppm of NPK.
  13. B

    Leaves not looking good around the budsites need help!!

    Plant looks a little bit nutrient heavy. Maybe try waiting until the soil is dry on the surface, and the pot feels light and then water it with a full gallon jug of store bought water. Important that you use water that is Reverse Osmosis, and not spring or distilled. RO is guaranteed to be near...
  14. B

    Help please. Leaves all turning yellow.

    Whats your input water pH and ppm level?
  15. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    UPDATE I flushed yesterday with 5ppm RO @ 6.2pH. I sampled the run off 4 separate times during the flush. The first run off was 5.2pH and 1100 ppm YIKES!!!!!. I stopped flushing when the run off was 6.1pH and 150-200 ppm. This morning i checked on her after an hour of light and she looked...
  16. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    Right on man, im new to the game. I figured following the manufacturer would be a safe bet. Im going to flush tomorrow, and then the following watering start at 850-900 ppm
  17. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    Im due for non nute watering tomorrow I will do a good flush I recently became unemployed and cannot really buy more supplies rn. So vinegar and baking soda are my only real ph.adjusters. i do have a sweet vivo sun lab grade ph / tds probe so I can dial it in pretty well.
  18. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    According to this chart from fox farms I am technically under feeding slightly.
  19. B

    weird stuff on leaves.

    My plant is 11 days post 12/12 flip and while I had a few like this in veg, never this many had the rust colored stuff. The leaves look perfectly healthy and show no signs of anything on the back side. Maybe its strain related? My tent does dip down to 67 at night so maybe it that? No evidence...
  20. B

    How does this look?

    Topped the 2 smaller plants a few days ago and flipped the tent to 12/12 yesterday.