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  1. FarmerHatBeard

    Mephisto Toof Decay Harvest!

    I'm really loving mephisto gear, this is my 3rd harvest with them! 4 plants, looking like it's gonna be a decent yield too. Next is sour blues, then sour bubblin crack!
  2. FarmerHatBeard

    Spider Mites at Harvest

    Azamax or Monterey garden insect spray work well and can be used up to the day of harvest
  3. FarmerHatBeard

    I've Grown 130 Autos!!

    Not very accurate at all.. all mine usually run 11-13 weeks.. to make my life easier I always plant on Tuesdays and then mark day one as the following Tuesday, even if they break ground before that, so if anything i'm actually a few days ahead of my schedule.. I like to keep track of...
  4. FarmerHatBeard

    I've Grown 130 Autos!!

    Mmmmm pretty!
  5. FarmerHatBeard

    I've Grown 130 Autos!!

    The Critical + 2.0 from Dinafem is one of my favorites. The most i got off one plant was 2 ounces. The White Widow XXL is one of the biggest yielders i've encountered. Almost 4 zips off the best one! Not sure which Cheese you're asking about Big Buddah cheese was one of my first strains...
  6. FarmerHatBeard

    I've Grown 130 Autos!!

    I've been growing since 2010, started doing autos inside exclusively in 2014. As for yield it's hard to say but here's a picture of the inside of my door. Every time a empty a jar the label goes on the door. I'd say 85 percent of the jars were quart Mason jars (hold about an ounce a piece on...
  7. FarmerHatBeard

    I've Grown 130 Autos!!

    Which ones man?
  8. FarmerHatBeard

    Light spectrum for autoflower plants

    I use a 600 watt mh on one side for the younger plants, and a 600 watt hps on the other side for the older ones.
  9. FarmerHatBeard

    Soil mite ID please!

    I'm guessing there are not hypoaspis miles, as they appear to have consumed this seeding. Best pic I can get.
  10. FarmerHatBeard

    I've Grown 130 Autos!!

    For some reason i don't have a finished pic of them but here they are along the way... they got about 2.5 feet tall Great Smoke. I bet if i did them again they'd come out even better.
  11. FarmerHatBeard


    Fox Farm soil is pretty hot. You're already giving them nutrients? if so how much? what's your pH range? I'm thinking you may have a ph lockout.
  12. FarmerHatBeard

    I've Grown 130 Autos!!

    damn i should update the list... Lots to add!
  13. FarmerHatBeard


    Hard to tell anything with those lights on man. can u snap a shot under regular light.. What strain? Whats your grow medium? Light? Temps? as much info as possible will get you more help. :weed:
  14. FarmerHatBeard

    HSO. autoflowers?

    I got like 7.5 Oz off 4 plants. One was really wispy, but was still fire. The pics are there at the bottom, just no thumbnail for some reason
  15. FarmerHatBeard


    It means don't listen to them :) Most breeders give short estimates, the exception maybe being mephisto.. Most of mine run 11-13 weeks from the time they break the soil When in doubt, look at the trichomes, they never lie
  16. FarmerHatBeard

    HSO. autoflowers?

    Lost Coast Skunk Pics Blue Dream Sour Diesel
  17. FarmerHatBeard

    HSO. autoflowers?

    dude... LOST COAST SKUNK!!!!! My favorite strain to date! Not a huge yielder but that shit it FIRE! Ive also done their Blue dream which was excellent, and the Sour Diesel which was also fantastic. Honestly don't think you can go wrong with any of their gear.
  18. FarmerHatBeard

    Mephisto Toof Decay. Burn? Deficiency? What do you think?

    nice man! I may try Heisenberg Next... It is hard to choose and I ordered like 7 strains! The Sour Blues I have going now got burned and I haven't fed em anything.. wicked nitrogen excess.
  19. FarmerHatBeard

    Mephisto Toof Decay. Burn? Deficiency? What do you think?

    They get a gallon usually once every 5-6 days depending on how dry the soil is. I use saucers so run off isn't a problem, most of the time I water from the bottom anyway. I've since fed them half strength, this is my first go around with mephisto and i'm staying real light on the nutrients...
  20. FarmerHatBeard

    Mephisto Toof Decay. Burn? Deficiency? What do you think?

    This is my first Mephisto Order and I got a bunch going at the moment.. So far i've finished Sour Crack - Fucked em up, my fault,,, shit yield but AMAZING smoke Toofless Alien - They are in the dark for a few days before the chop I've got the Sour Bubblin Crack going , and Toof Decay, and...