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  1. J

    Broken Branch

    I didn't have any tape and the leafs were already like dead looking, I cut it off an inch from the main stem and pushed the chunk back in the hole. lol:eyesmoke:
  2. J

    Broken Branch

    Hey all, heres a pic of my 2 1/2 month old plant it's about 2 1/2 ft tall it's outdoor and a random seed. Today I found a broken branch, Not sure what happened but the branch is pretty heavy and left a hole in my main stem. What should I do?
  3. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    2ft tall now maby 10ft in Oct., YEA BUDDIEEE.. lol
  4. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    Ok all thanks for the info. I will probably add more pics in the future and have a few q's :eyesmoke:. In the meantime she's a beauty lol growing like crazy. Oh and how often should I be watering this thing? I did it two days in a row because it's so big and so sunny lately? AND lol its doesn't...
  5. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    Thinking of just letting it grow til the end then. If I don't use any nutes will it still be a good plant? also is growing this early bad or is it just gonna give me a huge plant full of buds? :weed:
  6. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    @ nonuggets im not sure how to top it off heard it could stress the plant out? also could i cover it up with something to change hours into flowering? lol @donniemcm i'm in southern california
  7. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    Honestly no, lol but I do have neighbors anyway I can make it flower/bud early? Maybe a shrinkray? and if not how big you think it will get? :eek:
  8. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    Haha thanks. Sorry for the noob questions but when does it start flowering? and what kind of nutes? :wall:
  9. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    Thanks man. If it buds I'll hook ya up lol. ;)
  10. J

    Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics

    Hello all, i'm a daily smoker probably like most of you and I smoke usually seedless buds but I found a bud plant sprouting right next to my patio. I have no idea how it was planted but it has been growing great I just water it every couple of days. I don't use soil or anything it pretty much...