Mysterious Marijuana Plant With Pics


Hello all, i'm a daily smoker probably like most of you and I smoke usually seedless buds but I found a bud plant sprouting right next to my patio. I have no idea how it was planted but it has been growing great I just water it every couple of days. I don't use soil or anything it pretty much just gets sun all day I have put bananas,coffee grinds,onions,egg shells and I did try the piss and water method lol. It's about 2 months old now about 2 ft tall and it has been growing white hairs out of the nodes so I beleive it's a female? It's right next to the cement and a post so I wasn't sure if it was going to grow correctly. Anyways it doesn't smell much and when you rub the stem it smells sour, I pretty much just have questions about what strain it may be, is it growing correctly, how long til it buds and pretty much any tips you guys can share since it is my first grow. Thank you all answers appreciated.



Well-Known Member
awsome haha, just call it a gift from jah
go get some nutes for flowering it will give you alot bigger buds.


Haha thanks.
Sorry for the noob questions but when does it start flowering? and what kind of nutes? :wall:


Honestly no, lol but I do have neighbors anyway I can make it flower/bud early? Maybe a shrinkray? and if not how big you think it will get? :eek:


Well-Known Member
I cant believe nobody has asked.... "where are you?" lol... must be Florida or something??? but even in Florida.... once the days start getting longer, that plant is going to revert to veg I would think??? help me out folks....!


@ nonuggets im not sure how to top it off heard it could stress the plant out? also could i cover it up with something to change hours into flowering? lol

@donniemcm i'm in southern california


Well-Known Member
From my outdoor experience i know, its only April here in Cali it wouldn't harvest till at least beginning of October giveing it a shit ton of time to get bigger, 2ft tall now maby 10ft in Oct., depends on nutes,genetics(plant strain),topping..etc, could get as tall as this pic. maybe a cheap fence, even a big ass cardboard box lol . yours looks maybe like a sativa indica hybrid, looks a little of both. hope ur neighbors don't mind :shock:


Thinking of just letting it grow til the end then. If I don't use any nutes will it still be a good plant? also is growing this early bad or is it just gonna give me a huge plant full of buds? :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thinking of just letting it grow til the end then. If I don't use any nutes will it still be a good plant? also is growing this early bad or is it just gonna give me a huge plant full of buds? :weed:
it is not a bad thing....bigger the plant= more bud for you


Well-Known Member
it will be long as there isn't a frost...and while we are on opposite sides of the country I know that where I am we had no winter so a lot of plants are going to be effed if there comes a frost now...I have already started my garden outside this


Well-Known Member
I know it will grow if u just water it, it depends on the size,flavor,smoothness,and best of all potency.:weed: no nutes will probably give u some good bud but if u want to have it be worth the risk id give it some nutrients, id recommend "Nectar for the gods" they have different level nute plans, 4,8,12 bottle sets off different nutes that are better for specific needs, id say in a budget get the 4 bottle set, works great, the "Zeus juice" i swear u add it to the water and it gets bigger over night. comes with budding stuff 2. if u wanna go bare bones go to a hydro store and get foxfarm grow big 10$ and fox farm tiger bloom $10.
Oh and if the amount of time its sunny on the plant is less than 12 hours the it will go into budding early, not a really bad thing, once hours reach past 12-13 hrs it should revegitate and stop budding and keep going.

My White widow grow is with the 12 bottle set check it out.


Ok all thanks for the info.
I will probably add more pics in the future and have a few q's :eyesmoke:.
In the meantime she's a beauty lol growing like crazy.
Oh and how often should I be watering this thing? I did it two days in a row because it's so big and so sunny lately?
AND lol its doesn't smell very danky is that a bad sign or is it not mature enough?
ALSO pincher bugs all up on my shizznit bad or what? I have some holes in leaves also some eaten spots.


yea im sure u just found that in ur backyard lol u would b the luckiest person on earth to just have a female marijuana plant just mysteriously appear in the backyard hahahahha


Well-Known Member
If any thing u can use the porch post to support the stem,Watering it depends on how hot it is, id say water it a couple 2 maby 3 gallons, probably 2x a week should do unless u see wilting then maby a lil more often,not sure on the pincher bugs, haven't had that prob, try looking at the forums, or u can try a real light solution of soap water and use a mist spray bottle, should combat spider mites 2/prevent them. honestly they can get taller than that my buddy had a 16 footer he had to chop with a chain saw ;b talk about TIMBER!!!. yours ought a be bad ass by oct. :weed:

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
i would look into some nutrients and some books so you can grow some good dank. also start topping that girl she is gonna be huge.