Hello all, i'm a daily smoker probably like most of you and I smoke usually seedless buds but I found a bud plant sprouting right next to my patio. I have no idea how it was planted but it has been growing great I just water it every couple of days. I don't use soil or anything it pretty much just gets sun all day I have put bananas,coffee grinds,onions,egg shells and I did try the piss and water method lol. It's about 2 months old now about 2 ft tall and it has been growing white hairs out of the nodes so I beleive it's a female? It's right next to the cement and a post so I wasn't sure if it was going to grow correctly. Anyways it doesn't smell much and when you rub the stem it smells sour, I pretty much just have questions about what strain it may be, is it growing correctly, how long til it buds and pretty much any tips you guys can share since it is my first grow. Thank you all answers appreciated.