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  1. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Yeah, I'm not arguing that, its just from all the reading the plants are going to shoot up alot in flowering and since I have a short grow room I've read people starting flower early to adapt to the height jump. So keeping my fingers crossed from here on out.
  2. GhostGrower

    Simple nutes question.

    So I'm about 25 days veg and getting ready to switch to 12/12 and I need to start thinking about nutes. I'm growing in FF Ocean Forest and 15% perlite mixture. So I know the soil is already "hot" whats a good nute to go with?
  3. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    OK so wow, I was out of town for a long weekend came home to these. I'm for sure glad I waited. But I am switching the lights out tonight and starting flowering because I do have limited grow height and space. I do see why some people said I will run into space issues... But I'll figure that out...
  4. GhostGrower

    First Grow - New Upd8 - FeedBack PLS

    Hey nice looking grow, you said they seem to wilt when the lights are on and then go back to normal when lights are off... You might want to check and make sure they lights are not to close. I have one place that the leaves were all wilted and when I moved it away from the light the leaves went...
  5. GhostGrower

    Ocean Forest or Happy Frog?

    FF Ocean Forest is the way to go. Mine are about 3weeks in it and looking fine.
  6. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Yeah, yesterday, I decided before the lights went out at 10 pm I moved the plants down so they are now about 5-6" from the lights. I just woke up and they have been on since 4am and I can see a lot more growth up than I had before. Even one of the plants that was growing ultra small sprung up. I...
  7. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Great thanks for the tip SyN.. Tomorrow when the lights come back on I'm going to move them down a little give them maybe 4-5" instead of the 2-3" I got now. They just seem so short and bushy which I guess for having a small cab might not be all that bad but its hard to see the nodes and what...
  8. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok so I keep seeing this alternating nodes sites and I've been doing quiet a bit of reading in my free time and I've noticed that my plants aren't growing upwards as much as others at this stage of growth (only comparing to other cfl grows) I'm starting to wonder do I need more lights more...
  9. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok just got back from a weekend vacation and wow.. They really jumped up. They all have 3 sprouts I'm thinking come Wednesday I'm going to switch the lights and start flowering. Any one have any tips on when to start nutes? After some reading on the organic nutes I'm going with Fox Farm Big...
  10. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    LST is where you tie them down to get more colas and better light. Which is what I'm going with after doing more reading about the two. I also did a lot of reading about organic nutes and found that Fox Farm Big Bloom is one of the best. I'm going to wait for another week or so before I start...
  11. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Just wanted to post a comparison pic from 4pm yesterday right after the transplant (pic 1) and today 4pm (pic 2).
  12. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok so I just checked the babies, they have all perked back up, the shock didn't last or look as bad as I thought it would. Even in the new pots I have them around 5-6" from the lights. Is this still good or should I start moving them further away? I checked last night after the lights had been...
  13. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok I went through the stressful task of transplanting the babies to 3 gal pots and not a moment to soon. When I cut the bottoms of the cups they were covered in roots( see pic 1). The temp in the box with the lights on is at a steady 82 degrees not sure what its at with the lights off. But here...
  14. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    No idea.. while I was working on the box I took out the temp gauge.. Just put it back in, I went ahead and started 18/6 last night and when I checked them this morning.. they have all really straightened up. I just compare them to the pic I took yesterday and wow. I just reached the 2 week mark...
  15. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    So in prep of switching to 18/6 at the end of week 2 I made these covers to put over them and cut vents in the bottoms. I'm pretty stoked they worked out how they did. Any who just a pic of that.
  16. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Cool thanks for all the info. I'm gonna give them another week in the cups they are in and at the new light height and do a transplant on like monday. Plus it gives me the weekend to make sure I can fit like 5 3 gal. pots into the box. But again thanks for all the help.
  17. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    OK great, I was not able to make it to the store before they closed earlier, so I just made a few quick changes to the cups and lowered them a tad. They were growing out instead of up.
  18. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Thanks yeah I'm one step ahead right now there is a lid on top of the other 30 gal rubbermaid that they are sitting on now. (see pic 3) the other one is completely flat white as well. so when I need to move the plants away I can take that lid off and have another ft or so to grow up in, I plan...
  19. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    I'm starting to wonder about my grow space, got about 34" H x 39" W x 64" D , I have 5 plants in cups, but I'm thinking I need to get them to bigger pots. any suggestions on sizes?
  20. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Just checked the rating on the bulbs I'm using and you were correct they were at 2700k I thought I picked up the Natural light ones. Looks like I'm headed to Lowes to get the right lights. Hope this hasn't hurt the plants. They have been on 24/0 light with the wrong type. Thanks for catching...