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  1. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    What about lab tests?
  2. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    I like your honesty. The exploration will only start next year so I will have plenty of time to plan and make everything right. I forgot to say that i have one brother who is helping me. It's not my intension to make a huge investment on this, but I'm gonna spend at least 10 000€ on this...
  3. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    Thx for the reply. I have to say that i already had that in mind, but here the situation is diferent from the US, we are not legal. I have to plan everything, make a good project, send the project to the regulatory entities and pray to be approved! The intension behind Charlotte's Web and the...
  4. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    Hello guys, recently a business opportunity came to all of, like most of us, dream to have a small farm where you produce your super quality buds, right? I live in Spain, and I'm thinking of starting a start-up Weed Farm. First of all, I want to produce 60 big plants outdoors, each in an...