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  1. fatcola420

    Violator Kush picture updates!

    is it fine to veg for a few weeks under 2 2' t-12 gro-lux??? ANY TIPS WHEN TO UP MY LIGHTING AND FEED WOULD BE COOL... TY
  2. fatcola420

    help me with my grow :D

    I had 12 seeds on 5-11-10 and started them in fox farms top soil in these starter pots. (see pics) anyone know what the ration of male to females is for no feminized seeds???? For the seedling stage im only giving them distilled water and light. for the light i got a seedling starter kit...
  3. fatcola420

    Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

    im 29 right know and 10+ Macomb County sheriff dept.s almost killed me in 2005. it took over 10 officers to arrest me in my front yard over nothing w/o a warrant. i told the first officer to get the fuck off my property and i turned to walk away and he maced me from behind, i ran to my hose...
  4. fatcola420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    HELP A NOOB PLEASE/Have books, but need some answers please Want a big fat cola bud hope I get a female out of these to not pollinate This is my first plant that I have grown. I have before and after pics, healthy in the first I believe then appears to be dyeing in the second picture...
  5. fatcola420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Help save a seedling.... she went from this to this (see pics) any ideas to save this seedling, want it 2 veg. nice... ty
  6. fatcola420

    deformed...take a look

    Ur plant looks better then mine now check the before and afters... lol
  7. fatcola420


    HELP A NOOB PLEASE/Have books, but need some answers please Want a big fat cola bud hope I get a female out of these to not pollinate This is my first plant that I have grown. I have before and after pics, healthy in the first I believe then appears to be dyeing in the second picture. The...