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  1. S

    I was cleaning out a drawer...and found some friends

    lol that was gonna be my set up man.. i have pics up from my other post. that looks like my plant lol mine is only a week old and is very stretched. but making it lol you gave me so much hope haha
  2. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    lol hey im pretty honest dealer plus i was giving away blunts as well..i smoke out of a one hitter...i get the thugs/og fake fags that blow a garcia vega of this primo in one sitting...these are the same ppl trying to come up on a motha fucka 24/7 so i dont feel bad..and this is the standard...
  3. S

    I was cleaning out a drawer...and found some friends

    please share lol im seeding/veg under a 13watt cfl!! i got a fluorescent light from my garage and the ballic is cooked on now im s.o.l. and pay day is far away...i can pull this off for 2 more weeks but ima need to find good dirt a bigger pot and some stronger lights..and creative advice...
  4. S

    I was cleaning out a drawer...and found some friends

    yeah ive been doing alot of research, but its hard to make the many different ways..i wanted to go led but the shop by my house wants 175 for a custon led "sign" with about 250watt blue,orange,red and white lights...they are super bright but idk if thats the way to go if im going...
  5. S

    I was cleaning out a drawer...and found some friends

    thanks man just what i was hoping..ive got alot of rrom for mess ups lol as long as i can get one female ill be happy. so when is reg chopped then?? i dont know what to make of the situtation..2months seems like a long time but then it doesnt...i do 1oz a month so i was thinking 3 small plants...
  6. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    What are your prices?? plus i must add tht my part of town is strict with the cops. i was super slick and thts 425 delivered to my door step no risk of felony traffic stop so it was worth the extra plus my profit wasnt bad at all...(.8=35 20dollar bags) so not that bad and i dont false advertise...
  7. S

    I was cleaning out a drawer...and found some friends

    i was wondering, i got one good seed growing as of while cleaning i found like 15 seeds from a oz of reggie (sticks and twigs) i was wondering...if the good seed fails. is there a chance these seeds can turn into something good. or will they just bring me reggie?? is reggie just a...
  8. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    and sorry i meant colas but i was high and was to lazy to check spelling. but id love to have 4-8 if its possible...but we will cross that bridge when it comes..might be a chick with a dick...
  9. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    it has been stretching like crazy...i have to wait till payday i took the garage light and to my luck the ballist is dead..fml so idk wtf is gonna happen. and that light is only 3000k...i cant do shit its kinda making me i think ill just tie it up real good until i get the right lights
  10. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    so im going clean for a while. i want to get that first high off ths shit lol maybe even pass a test or two
  11. S

    AWESOME compact & quick fruity strain that doesn't couchlock or stink?

    i had some pure was strong and lasted a while and no lock at all it was pretty good. smell was very weak but the punch was a fan of smell had some legit nj sour d that i had to put in 6 ziplocl freezer bags to keep the smell from leaving my room.. had it in my closet under...
  12. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    hey guys for a faster grow i switched to 20/4 is tht smart or should i go back to something different...i wanna do 24/7 but idk thats kinda pushing it i think.input please
  13. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    will do, i was thinking that but i want the plant to grow side ways first develope a bigger root system and basicaly top two times and have four main corals
  14. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    i hope so...its looking streched again ima take the flourescent lights from my garage 2 40watt 36inch tubes and give this plant a chance..also use the tomato feed as well..thanks for the positive thoughts
  15. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    yeah...cause if i get more seeds im sure ill hit 1 female sooner or later...and if you read im leaving soon so yes, im hoping i can get some good seeds down the road for my return and my 1st real grow...this is a see what smell, ease of use and other things...maybe...
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    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    one more thing i forgot...can i use tomato nutes on the cheap lol i got alot of it and i hear ppl use the tomato nutes in thr aero garden..
  17. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    you just mind fucked me hazey grapes. my tomato plant blew over in a bad storm and started growing horizontally so i was thinking the same for this plant..also you mentione the halide..i have a 500watt down stairs but didnt wanna use because of all the neg comments..i was thinking 2 45wat cfls...
  18. S

    So i found a seed in this bag...i think my prayers have been answered

    okay i upgraded the cup, this is as close as i can get to the light. i stumbled into this last second so thats why i only have the 13watter o and another pic just to show how magical those buds look. so can i add like 3 socket dividers and put like 4 45 what bulbs into that one socket or fire...
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    Stonepwny here, just want to say whats up. long time reader 1st time speaker...looking for some coaching on a small closet job ;) check it out. thanks alot