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  1. B


    rather than use mollases can i use sugar water to fatten my buds up ?
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    36 DAYS FLOWERING!!!! check out my baby!! *lots of pics and THC!!*

    VERY NICE my plants are right around 2 weeks into flower an after seein tht i cannot wait till it begins to fill out
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    forgot to mention theyre well into flower with nickle size bud site all over lots of white pistols theyre quite amazing:mrgreen:...btw +1 mcpurple thx for the helpful info
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    k so basicly go ahead n throw my girls bak on 18/6 n veg then take my cuttlings ? i was considering this but thought i might stress it and make my girl a chik with a di** lol i just pulled 1 of those .... will this stress my plant or should i just keep adding plants from seed to my 12/12 for a...
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    thx alot racerboy71 +1 :) thx for the response
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    seen any good movies lately?

    any movie u need i can get if ur in the ohio area just message me i make more money sellin movies then at my job lol all my movies are CRYSTAL CLEAR
  7. B


    k so iv recently een doing a 12/12 from seed bagseed grow started with 3 pulled 1 hermie and am left with 2 females my ? is can i pull cutlings off them or revert back to veg without stressing them ? they are in 2 liter bottles, ffo soil with a mix of jamaican bat guano for bloom bongsmilie...
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    it seems as i was surfing aroung checking out organic nutrients i came acrossed a post in here tht lead me to biobuzz's website i then started researching just some cdompany reviews all good reviews and then bam i get this today after completing a offer on theyre website Hello my garden ninja...
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    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    yup i think a dark period may be the result of this :)
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    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    kinda looks like some weird trichomjke development u recently have any extended dark periods?
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    Last few days before harvest

    trichome devolopment is what a 36 hr dark period ussually used for makes widows crystals (trichomes) form fast and makes a huge dif in my belief :leaf:keep on smokin
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    now if they only tax it and sell it publicly
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    REALLY where may tht be?
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    its based off visitors per day logins per day and ect basicly its like advertisment if 90,000 people view daily then thts some serious ads being viewed wich in turn they figure the numbers based off pretty intresting huh !:bigjoint:
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    Intresting Valuation $2.56 Million Website Value$2.56 MillionDaily Pageviews90,924Daily Visitors12,850 Worldwide Rank14,347United States Rank4,046 check it out for urself found it to be intresting but riu is worth quite a bit
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    Please help my poor plants

    i have all my sprouts under a 400 watt hps about 2 ft away seems to be enough looking to 12/12 after i see my plants are brightening up any help would be aprreciated
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    Please help my poor plants

    i to have the same problem with a few bagseed i just germed had good taproot and all put it in soil it rooted the got sad on me ill post pics soon aswell
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    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    im subscribed starting my first 12/12 aswell should be fun gonna go for 20-30 in 32 oz cups :)
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    a little help

    thank u i will def look into it :) :peace:
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    a little help

    How many plants can i get out of a 400 watt HPS