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  1. NOX420

    keeping seedlings from falling over

    If there drying up you should move them even farther. For seedling you only need a few cfl's at first anyways. To strengthen them tap them from side to side. It will strengthen the stems just like building muscle. Micro rips will be healed and thus make it stronger.
  2. NOX420

    Help! Sick cheese

    Pest strips? I dont have any of those. Mine are in a dresser so you may be looking at the drawer or the drawer rails :p. Oh and nice site, ilike it.
  3. NOX420

    Help! Sick cheese

    Kinda looks like mine. Read the Mg def from this Best match as far as I can tell. If not then I have no idea. Compare:
  4. NOX420

    help name that def.3 weeks into flowering

    Yes need a pic of your plant. try your best man. That looks very strange to me because most defs start at the tip of the leaf.
  5. NOX420

    Damaged leaves. To trim or not to trim?

    to get rid of them all i did was give the plant a good spraying underneath for a few days until i was satisfied that they were gone. Like i said it was an outdoor plant for a while so i dont think their gonna return. grow room is in the closet that leads to attic and winter is aproching so i...
  6. NOX420

    magnesium deficiency? And how to solve it.

    Well from what I can deduce from the sticky entitled "Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First" its more a mg def than anything. Neither my soil nor my nutes have any sort of mg in them so I think im gonna go with that, but i dont have a ph meter so i cant say for sure but will do my best. Thanks...
  7. NOX420

    magnesium deficiency? And how to solve it.

    So is this a magnesium deficiency or what? If it is how do i go about giving it what it needs.
  8. NOX420

    Damaged leaves. To trim or not to trim?

    Bigger one was outdoor for the first few nodes. Then moved it inside. Smaller one is basically all indoor. Pretty sure that's why it looks a lot better. Been indoor for a week and 2 days.
  9. NOX420

    Damaged leaves. To trim or not to trim?

    Had some spider mite damage early on. All eradicated but damaged leaves remain. should I remove them or let them be? Plus how's my little one doing?