Damaged leaves. To trim or not to trim?


Had some spider mite damage early on. All eradicated but damaged leaves remain. should I remove them or let them be? Plus how's my little one doing?



Active Member
id leave them on the damage is done with the spidermite its not going to get any worse, looking nice tho..... how long have u been vegging


Bigger one was outdoor for the first few nodes. Then moved it inside. Smaller one is basically all indoor. Pretty sure that's why it looks a lot better. Been indoor for a week and 2 days.


Well-Known Member
as long as you got the mites under control leave the leaves on you need the transperation @ this fragile state.. but after they grow taller it wont hurt to remove them so you dont have to be reminded


Active Member
as long as you got the mites under control leave the leaves on you need the transperation @ this fragile state.. but after they grow taller it wont hurt to remove them so you dont have to be reminded
i d suggest the opposite , leave it there as a reminder , once u had the chances ull meet them again in the future are great , what control measure have taken vs mites ?


Well-Known Member
i d suggest the opposite , leave it there as a reminder , once u had the chances ull meet them again in the future are great , what control measure have taken vs mites ?
all i ever use is organicide it is a fish oil and i never get mites.. this product kills and prevents as well as supplies N directly to the leaves
it also kills powder mildew..


Active Member
i was refering to nox tho but anyways , reggaerican dont stick on one brand cuase there might be a moment when mites may get imminue to the ocasional poison


to get rid of them all i did was give the plant a good spraying underneath for a few days until i was satisfied that they were gone. Like i said it was an outdoor plant for a while so i dont think their gonna return. grow room is in the closet that leads to attic and winter is aproching so i dont think their gonna return.