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  1. The Beast

    How big...????

    Nice one .... Flat out it is then for me little ladies .... Cheers Guys
  2. The Beast

    How big...????

    Hi guys... just need a bit of advice on my cuttings.... what size should they be before they are transplanted to their final pot..? at the mo mine are about 6 - 8 inches tall and are on a cycle of 20 on and 4 off.. Will probably be putting them onto a 24/24 light cycle as soon as they are...
  3. The Beast

    Bit of help with cuttings ???????

  4. The Beast

    Bit of help with cuttings ???????

    Hi guys... Am after a bit of advice regarding some cuttings i have taken... this is the first time i have had any sort of success in taking cuttings but am getting a little worried about them due to the leaves starting to yellow up and fade in colour..?? i have potted them in plagron light mix...
  5. The Beast

    Cuttings Help.......

    Mothers finest... your a star..! also thanks for everyone else's help.. will crack on now and get the rest planted..... ROLL ON THE NEW YEAR
  6. The Beast

    Cuttings Help.......

    in the grow room there are two 600w growlux sodium bulbs, temp is about 75-80 humidity 45 - 50, if the cutting was put in there it would be about 3-3.5 feet away from the bulb....??
  7. The Beast

    Need Some Advice

    Hi jondamon... there was about an inch / inch and half of root hanging from the bottom of the rockwool block... so should i place it back in the propagator...? whats the best way to harden them up to the grow room conditions..?
  8. The Beast

    Need Some Advice

    Have just transplanted a cutting into soil and am wondering if i should keep it in the propagator until sure its ok or move it to grow room
  9. The Beast

    Cuttings Help.......

    Just one more thing....As a tester i've just transplanted one of the cuttings with good root growth in to a pot with plagron light mix as my medium... should i leave the cutting in the propagator or remove it out into my grow room ???
  10. The Beast

    Cuttings Help.......

    Thanks for all the help with this....FINGERS CROSSED:leaf::clap::leaf:
  11. The Beast

    Cuttings Help.......

    Thanks for the help guys.... just a couple of questions about your posts.... Some of them are in rockwool and the rest are in root riot blocks... when you say an inch of roots do you mean an inch off root hanging from the block or just the block to be full.? cause the blocks are about an inch...
  12. The Beast

    Cuttings Help.......

    Hi Guys.... After a couple of failed attempts at taking and growing from cuttings(they all died)... i've managed to actually get some to root but am now a little stuck as to what to do next. How do i know there ready for me to take them out of the propagator and transplant them into soil.? Any...
  13. The Beast

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Hi Bob.... just a quick question about takin cuttings..? I'm quite new to all this so if its a stupid question then please excuse me.. if i take cuttings from a plant that is still veging but is getting ready to flower will the cuttings be any good..???