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  1. Mad Hatter

    Sprouts and high heat

    40 degrees C?? Thats what 104 F, man.. weed doesn't grow in those temps. Sorry to tell you but the only way you can grow is indoors and with a lot of AC. Good luck setting up an indoor grow man, plenty of setups you can make or buy but with those temps that's about all you can do. Good luck.
  2. Mad Hatter

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    Ok, I made it to around page 20 and you know what there are way to many "know it all's" and haters! This guy is trying to do with what he has. All I can say is "tafbang is a pretty cool guy, his plants grow 10 feet tall and doesn't afraid of anything!". You go guy!!
  3. Mad Hatter

    Sprouts and high heat

    Yea man really need some more info, are you growing indoor/outdoor, what strain, there are strains that excel in different parts of the world better than others. *edit* webb, your sig by danny12 is epic!! hah!
  4. Mad Hatter

    how close to have light from plants

    T5s and T8s are about the same, CFL is also the same but "compact" all are fluorescent lights very good/cheap for seedlings/clones.
  5. Mad Hatter

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    Ohhh man.... I'm going to have to read all 165 pages of this aren't I. /lol/cry
  6. Mad Hatter

    need help what do i need ?

    Although you could get some yield of 200w of CFL, everything else you posted was bad. Your foil box is going to create major hotspots and im sure is not light-proof. Yes you do need air circulation even if your room temps stay in the 70's, plants need CO2 like we need O2. Also let me guess your...
  7. Mad Hatter

    how close to have light from plants

    Correct me if im wrong, but for germinating you would be better off going to your local hardware store and picking up a 20$ t-5 flouro setup bro. Its more than enough for your stage of growing and will save you alot in electricity as well as putting off much less heat. That in turn will get your...
  8. Mad Hatter

    I'm new to growing and need help starting, please help

    Pretty much what all above said, read, lurk, read.. Also hop onto the ol YouTube there are a few good series on there each about an hour long. They differ from each other somewhat but are great to get a general understanding. Good luck.
  9. Mad Hatter

    Leaves curling

    You will have to upload some pics. The first thing you need to do is think about what you changed between your healthy plant and now, i.e nutes,water,light. Also what did you use to kill the mites? Please dont say Diesel fuel.
  10. Mad Hatter

    Idea for a new light!

    Did anyone see the episode of cops where this complete moron decides to steal a video camera from outside a courthouse and I guess doesent realize that its being recorded off site. The faces he makes while trying to pry it off were priceless.
  11. Mad Hatter

    Dictate 1st grow skunk #1 hydro STEALTH CLOSET need suggestions [pics]

    Im guessing in those pics its just covered up, there is no need to ever remove the rockwool. If you plan on reusing your medium then you just get rid of the rockwool the same time you get rid of the roots. Post some pics of your grow when they get a little bigger.
  12. Mad Hatter

    My boyfriend smokes

  13. Mad Hatter

    electricity usage: 8 cfl's vs 400w hps?

    You will lose way more in yield than you will save in electricity.
  14. Mad Hatter

    Germinating in paper towel or dirt?

    Not really I germinate my seeds in a wet paper towel inside of a closed zip lock bag.. The seeds stay nice and damp and I know there are good when they go into the dirt.
  15. Mad Hatter

    Dictate 1st grow skunk #1 hydro STEALTH CLOSET need suggestions [pics]

    No prob, an no its not really possible to over water unless your using a soil medium. There are different styles of hydro but the one you are using the "drip system" is made to stay on all the time. Ebb and flow is a type of hydroponic system that floods the roots with water/nutes only once evry...
  16. Mad Hatter

    Spirulina: Good for plants?
  17. Mad Hatter

    Blowing pot smoke on my plants: good or bad?

    Lawl Fag u noob, I joined some Forum just now so im a newb, your the idiot blowing smoke on your plants.. lol fag noob, You seem to have joined the same time, yet ive been getting along for some time now and you... Well you are blowing smoke on your plants.. FAG, its only a matter of time till...
  18. Mad Hatter

    Qustion about Vaporizers.

    Maybe you didnt use it right or some other thing.. I dunno, not sayin you dont know how to smoke :-p. I remember when I first bought her an all my friends an my 2 providers( not all at the same time) came to use it... Each one told me they had never been so high. The green was good but it was...
  19. Mad Hatter

    My boyfriend smokes

    Lol thats BS, there are a billion fish in the sea but only 1 MJ. Sorry for your heartbreak girl, its never fun. Good idea though, go blaze and find someone new, someone who shares the same interest as you. Like I said there are a billion fish in the sea.. If your hot enough.. my wife and I...
  20. Mad Hatter

    Qustion about Vaporizers.

    Man, I was raided about a year back, non MJ related but raided for other things... Fuckers tool all my RooRs my Glock, my Benelli 12G, My lil no brand name girl who happened to be the first piece of glass I ever bought, had that bong for years! All they left were some glass bowls, dont know why...