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  1. B0X

    Flower or wait longer? (pic)

    -After tomorrow night they will have had 6 full weeks of vegging. I've been quite indecisive so I was wondering what you guys thought...
  2. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    some headband I have at the moment :weed:
  3. B0X

    What's on my leaves? (HD pictures)

    I appreciate all the help guys. I'm going to assume its just from my carelessness unless it gets worse.
  4. B0X

    What's on my leaves? (HD pictures)

    Been feeding pretty heavy the past weeks. FF Grow Big and Superthrive. Only mix with distilled water. And yes I have been watering them carelessly and been getting some on the leaves. I should be watering when the lights are off but it's hard with my schedule. Is there anything else this...
  5. B0X

    What's on my leaves? (HD pictures)

    what do you think it is?
  6. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Thanks for all the info Scar! I'm going to be flushing tonight when I gather the motivation to get some distilled water.
  7. B0X

    What's on my leaves? (HD pictures)

    we need some answers asap! :wall:
  8. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Week 5 Pictures - - - NYPD - - - JH 1 (topped on 11/13) - - - JH 2 - - - The ladies together -Not going to even consider flowering for another 2 weeks. Photos taken Nov 30.
  9. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    before I update Week 5 I figured I'd post some pieces of what I've been smoking over the past week... :bigjoint:
  10. B0X

    What's on my leaves? (HD pictures)

    My first assumption was some kind of mold? It's only on the very bottom leaves...Anyone know what it is and a fix?
  11. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Week 4.3 Pictures - - - NYPD - - - JH 1 (^ topped on 11/13) - - - JH 2 -I believe the burn on her outside leaves in just some nute foliage burn but if anyone believes it could be anything else let me know. Photos taken on Nov 25. I'm thinking another week of vegging? Maybe two...
  12. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Week 4.2 Pictures - - - NYPD - a little burned, I accidentally overfed her. Although her leaves above the burn look good and she is still growing fine. She also is the smelliest of the 3 so far. - - - JH 1 (topped on 11/13) - - - JH 2 -This girl has taken off the past week. Photos...
  13. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    I was set on vegging for at least the month of November but now I'm probably going to veg another 2 weeks since they have really taken off the past couple days. I'll probably be posting pictures twice a week since the growth from day to day is getting to be quite noticeable. :-P
  14. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Thank you I'm hoping it keeps up that way. I decided to top just one Jock Horror because I wanted to compare the yields between the two.
  15. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Thanks for the input and advice guys! I did lower the 400w another carabiner so it's about a 12 inches from the tops and 6 inches from the CFL's now. Here's pictures of how i have the room set up...
  16. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Week 4 pictures - - - NYPD - - - JH 1 (topped on 11/13) - - - JH 2 Photos taken on Nov 21.
  17. B0X

    if you're awake and browsing the site...

    Hey people, I just wanted to let anybody know that I have a 400w HPS Fox Farms Journal going that I update weekly with HD pictures that has gotten very little feedback. I would really appreciate anybody stopping by and leaving some input.
  18. B0X

    400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel

    Thanks for the info Scar but I really don't have a problem with my light height. I have it about 16 inches from the tops! The lighting article was pretty interesting, I believe I've found my "sweet spot" though. This past week the ladies have been fed FF Grow Big twice. Both times have been...
  19. B0X

    Buying seeds variety, shipping and germination rate out of the banks I've used.