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  1. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Yes, it widely recognized that stupid people --- like yourself--- cannot relate to myself, nor Trump.
  2. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Did you know Donald Trump would give more aid to veterans than McCain ever has?
  3. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    It's the type of people you vote for that have made this country so soft, like yourself. If you want to restore greatness consider trump. He is outspoken, and won't tolerate bullshit. What's fucked up is the fact that the United states is allowing itself to be shit on by a group of militants...
  4. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Clearly, after surveying the intellect of the voters. I'm sorry people simply just can't comprehend his potential.... Or are too stubborn to consider this thing called perspective.
  5. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Don't you mean "Mr Sunshine"? And sorry but I think you hit reply to the wrong guy.
  6. D

    Doober Danko

    Wasn't so gay when your mother was the one saying it to me.
  7. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Just as calling you intelligent would disgrace just about every elementary school English teacher in existence. What's the deal, you can't grasp an understanding of the words I've laid out before your eyes? Do you need glasses?
  8. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Clearly you don't understand my point. I already offered the explanation for this about a page ago.
  9. D

    Doober Danko

    Dude if you want to talk Trump just let me know. We could go all night...:cool:
  10. D

    Doober Danko

    Abe summed it up pretty good, thanks man. I just don't take kindly to being insulted, that's all.
  11. D

    My thread was deleted?!?! Donald Trump?

    Well, I did just finish giving your mother a nice rimjob.
  12. D

    My thread was deleted?!?! Donald Trump?

    Well it is pretty sad to see the volume of incompetent people that visit this site, it is enough to bring tears to any intelligent reader's eyes.
  13. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Just want to point out that we are communicating through a marijuana-oriented website, so you would think our evaluations of the candidates would rely heavily on their stance on legalization. Last I heard Hilary did not want to support decriminalization, let alone legalization. What exactly is...
  14. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    You know Hilary holds an adamant stance against legalization?
  15. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    Well he already did that. Padawan, can I ask who will be getting your vote?
  16. D

    My compliments to our president

    Desert Dude, You could change that by electing Trump! He stands for what he says.
  17. D

    Presidential Candidate to Legalize Marijuana- Vote Trump!

    "Trump said in his speech that he buys Chinese goods because the prices are artificially cheap. 'A friend of mine is a great manufacturer. And, you know, China comes over and they dump all their stuff, and I buy it,' Trump said. 'I buy it, because, frankly, I have an obligation to buy it...