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  1. C

    How many hours of dark are TRULY needed to induce flowering?

    I know some strains, mexican sativas are some, but some strains seem to start flowering before 12 hours darkness. Those equatorial strains seem to flower more off time cues than simply light hours. As far as bud size, i dunno. Ive seen pics of clones grown under 10,11 and 12 hours light...
  2. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Beautiful! I just had a little plant like that where most of the sugar leaves were white with trichomes. Its awesome when the trim is just a touch up job.
  3. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Damn! I forgot how quick plants dry in warm, air conditioned rooms. Especially when theyre small as hell. I've had one center cola weigh more than both those plants, lol. I have said i wanted something with a funky smell. The small(er) one smells like a green pine tree. The other has that damned...
  4. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Ive heard that from a few people. CSI calls it Christmas '79 bud. Ive checked before. Someday...... Ive got several strains of photos with big credentials to run first. I really loved the old loud strains, but , ive got to be smell quiet right now. Too many visitors and stuff after the wreck...
  5. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Well, ive got 6 more of those beans so hopefully i get some going next time. I figured id better learn to clone now so that ill be ready then. Yeah, i miss the real Skunk too. Also, Christmas tree and authentic NL#5. I remember getting those bags where everybody in the room smells the 1/8 you...
  6. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I read a couple articles that showed where people set 12 expanded peat pucks in a 2 inch deep tray and surrounded them with fresh soil. I used straight FFOF so that enough nutrients hopefully should get in. I watered with a little bit of Grow Big and some recharge. Ive forced the wife to look at...
  7. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I havent grown any ILGM Photos. My bashing was with an eye winked. Ive grown 16 of their GG4 autos and 20 WW autos. I fell for the 10+10 for $150+ shipping spiel. Their autos are basically all F1's and every plant looked/smelled/buzzed different as another strain. I realize that most major seed...
  8. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    I doubt youre gonna jinx anything. Youve had your stuff dialed in for awhile...... I aspire to get where you and alot of these other folks are. I have alot of practice coming still. Every grow of yours ive seen has been amazing. I still have much to learn, but, its nice to see where practice...
  9. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    These peat pucks seem pretty simple. Success rate im sure isnt as good as what you all are doing but its my first try. I only need 1 out of 4 to work to hopefully be receiving one of these auto cloning chamber setups for Christmas, lol. My wife loves smoking the good weed ive been learning to...
  10. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    This little thing was the easiest cannabis plant ive ever grown. Yes, its tiny as hell. But, this little thing reeks like crazy. Fast as lightning finishing too. I dont think it ever even had a yellow leaf. Back in my college days this woulda been awesome cause its so concealable. I had hoped...
  11. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    I guess those Mexican plants I had finished quick. Honestly though I just went by pistils back then. I grew some bagseed Indica indoors 3 years ago. I think it was a Granddaddy Purple cross. It was ready in 2 days over 8 weeks flowering. Thats what i was (foolishly I guess) hoping for. I've...
  12. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I'll have to try them. It was funny cause the guy slipped and ran the rockwool all down his arm. It looks like fiberglass. Lol, it must get in your skin like it too the way he acted. He was hissing lol. I just looked and those do look like what i need. Cheap enough too. Thanks!
  13. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Not drooping yet
  14. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I took a couple cuttings yesterday ,dipped the tips in Clonex and stuck them into a couple peat pellets I buried in cups of FFOF up to the top of the bag below the hole. They are still not drooping, so maybe it'll work. He wanted $30 for a sheet of rockwool. So, I may as well try this out. I've...
  15. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Damn. I am a fking idiot. Been running autos too long lol. I planned for a month to flip lights yesterday evening. My light has a built in timer. My dumb ass played around all day and forgot it has no clock. Just a timer where 0 hour is when it gets power. So, I had to restart it and began 12/12...
  16. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I've finally made it to the grow store and got some stuff. Dude recommended Clonex and sold me an envelope of jelly for $7. I'm gonna try anyway....I found the last few(4) beans of GGauto . They're ILGM, so, I got shit to lose running them under 12/12 so I have backup if things don't work out...
  17. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Finally,,,.Finally, I made it to the grow store. The guy there told me he uses Clonex and he had a few dozen going in a 4x4. I wanted a few rockwool cubes, but all he had was sheets of it for $30 each. So I grabbed a few peat pellets. They're only 20 cents each. I just ran out of Tiger Bloom, so...
  18. C

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Man, I would love to be able to grow outdoors. It gets so damned hot here and the humidity stays in the 90+% range with sparse breezes. Only strains I've seen take it are(mostly)Mexican sativas. Good luck! Nice to see somebody doing it outside. Ain't no way in hell I'd get a hole that big in...
  19. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    So I should be alright with them on the floor 1.25 meters below my normal light? Shit, I'm gonna buy jelly and cubes tomorrow. I'm getting psyched. A friend told me the other day he pays $100 a 1/4 or $15-$20 a gram for weed he gets that comes from an Oklahoma dispo. This shit ain't any better...