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  1. V

    The Hempy Collective

    Hey AZ, thanks for all the great info. I'm dying to Hempy. Do you think I could BOG my 2 gallon soil pots into a 5 gallon Hempy bucket? Or should I just wait for my next grow?
  2. V

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    Okay, two other successful orders. Nirvana delivered in 9 days. Doc Chronic delivered in 7.
  3. V

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    All my AK-48 from Seedboutique cracked.
  4. V

    Club soda

    Don't water with club soda or seltzer (club soda has salt in it, seltzer is salt free). The CO2 in either is bad for the roots. Your plant's roots need oxygen (O2). You could mist the leaves with seltzer but I am unsure of its effectiveness
  5. V

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    Received two shipments of seeds today. Ordered from seedboutique dot com on 4/2 - 19 day turnaround. Ordered from planet skunk on 4/12 - 9 day turnaround. Planet skunk is QUICKER. Both sent me bonus seeds. I have two other orders out. I'll let you know the spin times on those when I get em.
  6. V

    First grow, what else do I need?

    I've got the room set up with mylar on the walls, have an exhaust fan, a carbon scrubber, organic soil, HID light, timers, ferts, circulation fan, temp and humidity gauges, and I'm waiting on the arrival of my beans. Am I missing anything?