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  1. D

    How Long should I flush ???

    I starting flushing my rather large lone plant last night and just curious on how long I should flush her for ? thanks
  2. D

    ABout to cu my girls down !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whats the best way to dry them and how long ???? Tips please
  3. D

    Seedlings keep dying !!!! HELP

    Thanks guys.....Once these seeds pop I will try all the advice I have read.
  4. D

    Seedlings keep dying !!!! HELP

    they raced up to about 2" tall. Then when I got home the next day one of the seedlings was bent all the way over about half way up the both are still standing but no leaves...So I put them in the bubbler with light nutes...........I think I drown them, either with the rockwool...
  5. D

    Seedlings keep dying !!!! HELP

    Yes I am soaking the rockwool. 5.5 ph water...............the nest question about how much water is my problem. inside the humidity dome a add water that fills the grooves, then turns into humidity. The rockwool cubes are pretty much soaked. And yes I am using hydro. Am I giving to much...
  6. D

    Seedling questions

    yeah I think I had the cubes soaked with way to much water and might of drown them.......will ring the next ones out.......started germing more seeds last night......cant fail on these......thanks
  7. D

    Seedlings keep dying !!!! HELP

    The seeds pop..........I put them in small rock wool cubes........they are in a humidity dome......they sprout........get about two inches tall.........then they died.......How much water should they require......the humidity dome has a heating pad........When should I put the seedling in the...
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    Seedling questions

    Thats kind of what I was thinking......My seedlings started to fall over so I was thinking my cube was too wet...
  9. D

    Seedling questions

    I am about to put my seedlings in a heated dome.....How wet should my rockwool cubes be.....and how much water do the seedlings need......and when are they ready to put in my bubbler ? any help would be great thanks
  10. D

    Lightbulb HELP Rockwool clones not doing to good not sure what ve done wrong?

    I use a cloner, but here is my question. Weather its clones or seedlings, after they starting rooting, When can I put in the 6" Rockwool cubes and under the 600 watt Light......This is all done with a flood & drain system. Thanks
  11. D

    About to clone my plant....Help please

    here's my girl after the first week of flower. Back to the cloning topic, my clones died so I went ahead last week and cut new clones. Not going to let the roots get so long this time so that I can gently put into the 6" RW cube and just let the roots grow in the cube from there.
  12. D

    About to clone my plant....Help please

    Yeah I agree. Im pretty sure I crushed the roots. I waited tooo long to put the clones in the rockwool because the roots were way to long. Also I pushed them too hard into the rockwool. My mother is so big getting clones will not be a problem. Pics to come later today
  13. D

    Help help help

    The clones were in the small plastic nets, poking out of the bottom. The roots are awesome. The rockwool cubes sat in the sink over night, but I did not think to get all the excess water out because in the previous plants didnt do that ans had zero problems. I think I might have mixed up a...
  14. D

    About to clone my plant....Help please

    Ok so I took all my clones out of the bubbler ( which had major rooting) put the clones in the pre-soaked rockwool cubes.......and five minutes later all the leaves were dropping and shriveling up. What do I do to fix.....
  15. D

    Help help help

    Ok so I just took my well rooted clones and put them in my pre-soaked 6" roakwool cubes, five minutes later all the leaves were droppy and shriveling up. What have I done or is the normal......Please help
  16. D

    About to clone my plant....Help please

    12 days later......she is sky rocketing !!!!!!!!!!!
  17. D

    About to clone my plant....Help please

    Here's the pics of my mother and the cloning bubbler.......It came with small rockwool cubes.....very small and little baskets