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  1. D

    About to clone my plant....Help please

    Need help on the cloning process. I have a cloning bubbler with a dome. Can someone help me. Do the clones go into the small (pre soaked) rockwool ? Should my clone be directly in the bubbler ? What cloning powder do you recoment. How should my nutrients be during this next couple weeks ...
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    Male or Female ?

    I just built my two cabinets.......My trial plant is about 8" tall and very bushy. I want to clone it but dont know the sex yet. I have silver Haze seeds ready to use, but if this plant is a female I want to clone it and send four plants thru my veg and flower cabinets.
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    Male or Female ?

    one more question........How can I clone it if I dont know if its male or female ?
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    Male or Female ?

    When and how soon can I tell if my plant is male or female ?
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    how to "up" the PPM?

    So let me guess....More water to lower the PPM ?
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    Questions about PPM ?

    When I do my feeding tomorrow I will be sure to lower the PPM
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    Questions about PPM ?

    NLXSK1.............thanks for the quick reply. Basically that is what I have done. PPM was 1240 last feeding, and the little girl has sky rocketed in the last 3 days..........growing in an enclosed cabinet with 600 aircooled light, flood and drain set-up, 4" exhaust fan.....with scrubber, works...
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    Questions about PPM ?

    During the first weeks of veg, What is the ideal PPM, Running 1 600watt airtube with flood and drain system. Also using Advanced Nutrients Sensi A & B. Last reading at feeding wednesday was 1240.......And the little girl grew one inch in 3 days. Thanks
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    Watering schedule ?

    Ok I have been water 4 times during the veg cycle for 30 mins during the light cycle. Plant is in a 6" rockwool cube and the plant is about 6" tall. The root is rather thick, when can I expect roots to come out of the bottom of the rockwool ? Just curious.
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    Questions a nutrients ?

    I am currently using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow/Blow parts A & B.,,,,I see all these other nutrients....Bud Candy, Bud ignitor, Grandma Enggy's H-2, Big Bud, Bud Blood, and some others. My question is can I add these to weekly diet ? Is more better. Please help. Thanks
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    Watering schedule ?

    Running one 600watt with a flood and drain setup. How many times should I flood the plants during veg and for how long....I only water when the light is on. thanks
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    My Grow with questions ( SILVER HAZE PICS TO COME) MY PROCESS

    I am going to be growing Shinning Silver Haze next. I am growing hydrponically and need to know what the PH of the water during germination and the early seedling stage. Thanks PICS of my set up to come
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    Question about mold

    Thank you sir, I have seen the covers , so I will just make some
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    Question about mold

    Growing in a large cabinet with a floood and drain set up with 600 watt Air cold light. Why do I have green mold on top of my rockwool cubes ? 6" cubes Any help would be great Thanks
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    First time Hydro.....

    Good taste Good yeild......Kind of like Pineapple express ???
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    First time Hydro.....

    What seeds should I get for my first time doing hydro ?
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    Question about Rockwool ?

    I am about to put my seedlings that you are in one inch cubes into the 6" cubes. What PH level water should I soak the Rockwool cubes in before butting the seedling in it ?
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    Question about seedlings ?

    My seedlings were put into a cloning bubbler 16 days again. They seem to be making little or slow growth. Anything I can do to help the process, Or is patience my best bet. Some of the seedlings are starting to fall over, is this normal ? When can I move them to the larger rockwool cubes Thanks
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    Air Pump Running Time

    How often should the air pumps run ? Should I put them on there own timer . Please help
  20. D

    Temp ?

    What should the temp be inside my grow box ? I am running a 600 watt Air cooled light ? 3x2x6 box