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  1. Cropcircle

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    I have 2 SLH 4 weeks into flower. My first experience with it. They r both 6' tall and 4' diameter! I think the yield will be ok. LOL
  2. Cropcircle

    HELP! Leaf tips white, then turning yellow. few brown spots on lower leaves.

    I dont know much about hydro, so can't help there... however, I have a couple SLH myself and they dont look like urs. SLH is supposed to be more sativa, so it has narrower leaves. Urs look like mostly indica with those wide leaves. here is a pic of one of my SLH clones and of the momma who is 6'...
  3. Cropcircle

    No bud no smoke help please

    had same prob... they look rootbound as Mother's Finest said.
  4. Cropcircle

    Harvest at 42 days!?!?!?

    Yeah, that's what i said. But...almost all the pistols have turned brown, even on the lower branches! I dont have a powerful enough magnifier to see if trichs are cloudy or not. :cry: Also, many of the fan leaves are yellowing and dying. What should I do? This is a SAGE plant which is supposed...
  5. Cropcircle

    Rusty spots on leaves!!!

    Thanks, Snow Crash! The prob DID start shortly after using tiger bloom and I agree on the PH prob as well. Will stop TB and get PH adjusted. Only time will tell now.
  6. Cropcircle

    Rusty spots on leaves!!!

    Thank you Woodsmaneh for the ref chart! Not mites, have seen them in the past and the other strains in the room are fine. This is the first time I have done SAGE and am wondering if they need a higher PH. According to ur chart, Mg prob makes the rusty spots I see but veins stay green...oh well...
  7. Cropcircle

    Rusty spots on leaves!!!

    Mg deficient? Week 5 of flowering, S.A.G.E. Have other strains but only the sage is effected. Many leaves now turning bad like this. Pic is not so good but they get a rust color in the main vein and rusty spots all over. then they yellow and die. Please help. 600 watt HPS Potting soil/perlite...
  8. Cropcircle

    Tmv???? Is that what my plants have?

    TMV is a plant virus that is usually transmitted by smoking cigs in the grow room. It will stunt growth and deform plants. DO NOT SMOKE CIGS NEAR PLANTS! Cig smoke will stick to the leaves and "suffocate" them. I dont know if that is ur prob, but if it is, u need to gently wash them and pray.
  9. Cropcircle

    Why the FUK arent any of my seeds growing!

    That really sucks, dude. I got 2 SLH plants 4 weeks into flowering. they are big plants! over 6' tall and 4' diameter! I got about 30 clones off them...wish I could send you some. I wont do these again tho. they take about 11 weeks of flower time and take up too much room. Oh, I started...
  10. Cropcircle

    S.A.G.E., My first medical grow!!!

    Thanks Jerry! I feel a little better now.
  11. Cropcircle

    S.A.G.E., My first medical grow!!!

    Getting "rust" spots on some of the older leaves. Is this a concern? These plants are 3 weeks into flowering. Will post pic of prob when I get new batteries for cam. lol.