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  1. H

    What to do with males?

    I have no other plants for it to pollenate so im not worried about that. I know it dosent have much THC in it but id like to get what I can off it. But thanks for your opnion.
  2. H

    What to do with males?

    Pics for enjoyment but what to do with it now? I have a 4 ft male that I tried to bud and it came out male :wall: now I have this fully matured huge make plant what do I do with it?I havent flushed it yet with pure water. I know most ppl will say toss it...
  3. H

    Male or female?

    Ya I know lol. I wat talking about disolveing the THC into acetone then evaporateing the acetone leaveing pure THC. or just makeing tea but IDK how and IDK if I should dry it first
  4. H

    Male or female?

    haha yea it was kinda fun I do plan to try again but I cant get my hands on anything but bagseed as Im scared to order seeds online. Im big beliver in the fact that we are constantly being watched and when it comes to this kinda stuff i dont take chances. Well im off to shut down lights and...
  5. H

    Male or female?

    aww plz dont say that im about to throw it in the lake now....... well how much you think I will get off it?
  6. H

    Male or female?

    Is it a male or female what do you all think? Id apriceate your input thanks.
  7. H

    self ballested cfl?

    Its not brighter I have some of these also, the 23watts are brighter but the 14watt with the flood light like bulb around it focuses the light. With the 23watt swirly CFL the light goes everywherebut it has more watts more lumens look at the packageing.
  8. H

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    IT got cruched by a light bulb broke several branches and the main stemI had no choice
  9. H

    VEG nutes for budding?

    Hey this is my first grow and Im starting budding this week I have been useing DM gold nutes in my bubble bucket the whole grow now im budding should it be ok to run them with veg nutes for about a week or two of budding? my Hydro store sold out of budding nutes and Im outta luck for a week or...
  10. H

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    Well I have started the flowering cycel today changed my CFLs to the soft white redish color and changed my timer to be on a 12/12 schedule. Id like to have some kind of heads up as to what my yeild might be like with no main cola?
  11. H

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    Any ideas how this will effect groth anyone? help would be greatly apriceated
  12. H

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    Why do you say that? so I should just keep veging? shat effect will this have on groth?
  13. H

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    long story short my big 68 watt warm color CFL fell on the main stem on a few branches will I be able to put it back in veg and ggrow it out till its ready for budding again? will it ever recover from the main stem break or is it stunted to this heighth so I should go ahead and bud still? I need...
  14. H

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    ok I went to home depo and the lights were labled better and I got a big 68 watt 2700k light for budding along with some 23watt 2700k and more veging lights well heres my delima, should I bud now I have lighting for both and a box tinfoiled to be set up with lights but IDK with lights to use I...
  15. H

    My grow update should I bud now? PICs UP!

    11-23-2008 I really wish I kept more acurate dates of planting and groth I dont know how old she is reall but im going to estamate less than 2 months now she looks more like this these pics were taken today. If she looks a little light its because...
  16. H

    White hairs?

    Ya I just may try that but they def wont be shipped to my house lol. well I am verry interrested in the genetics im reading a bit now about the difference in indica and sativa as im completelyt lost with that and most of the genetics side of this. But I did understand your point about how this...
  17. H

    Dutch Master Gold nutes A B.

    I dont bother worrying about such trivial things as a hijacked thread hijack away the more knolage spread the better. Although you might have missed this had a few more questions on this plant as I am verry interrested in...
  18. H

    White hairs?

    Really! My bud who recently did a indoor dirt CFL grow and was sucsessfull said that they are lowriders that should be discarded as they will not be able to suppourt themselves. But ill take your word old in the way as you seem to be very expereienced. So I should seperate this one and put it...
  19. H

    White hairs?

    hey guys pics to come soon of My plants in a diff set up I am getting like white hairs and what seem to be bud sites on my only 6 week old plant it is in a fish tank bubleponic set up with identical conditions on all 3 plants they share water,nutes, light shedule everything yet 1 seems to want...
  20. H

    Dutch Master Gold nutes A B.

    Well thats it for now as you see its a stealth bubleponic hydro gro with 65k CFLs Im worried about yeild under CFL as I have herd lots of bad things about light low yeild airy not dense buds. My only experience is outdoor and Im scared to run HPS as it seems too much trouble with a stealth grow...