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  1. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Wow. You are a real chemist lol. I'll definitely do the eggshell method over the next week. I got apple cider vinegar and more eggs today. That and molasses should be a good homemade calmag. Prolly wont even need the TPS calmag bottle but Im still really curious to find out if anyone used it or...
  2. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Great info thanks. So in theory I should be fine with adding just RO to plants when not using the seaweed or dr. Earth concentrates bc all the stuff in the soil will blend with the 0 PPM water, yea? I don't intend on ever letting runoff happen until final 2 weeks since I dont want any of the...
  3. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    What do you mean "they dont have any available"? Amazon shows it as in stock for me. I'm mainly looking for something subtle I can put into my RO water for daily watering in between nutes, so the 0 PPM water doesn't deplete them of anything. Can your Bloom booster be used for that purpose...
  4. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Does anybody have experience with this product?
  5. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    I didnt even use that much of the foxfarm stuff, but yea they were kind of dry and crispy at the top. Others were yellow and soft towards the bottom. And not feeding any of it this time. Dry amendments, wormcastings, and all the stuff mentioned above instead.
  6. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Great response brother. My leaves started yelowing/browning a lot the first weeks of flower during my last run and I suspected nute lockout due to ph down overuse to try to get the tap into the correct range as well as nute burn from partially synthetic fox farm products. Thats what made me...
  7. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Ima call it a day and order Gen Organics calmag +. I've spent too much time on this topic already lol. Will also start the eggshell process. Thanks for giving me peace of mind that someone actually used the calmag with the living soil already and no issues with the microlife. And yea, the oyster...
  8. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Thanks Richard, I spent most of yesterday trying to find a solution to this. The rainwater and dehumidifier solutions are not really an option for me since we dont get a lot of rain or humidity in LA. :( I read that ground oyster shells are water soluble and ordered some last night to try to mix...
  9. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Just trying to make sure the girls thrive. Lots of people tell you that RO is a must for the microlife lol. I appreciate your input.
  10. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    And you just use straight tap?
  11. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    I definitely dont drink it, tastes nasty
  12. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Here are some pics of the water report in my area and that's not even the full report.
  13. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Hey, so I got this RO bc I dont want to kill off the microorganisms in my fox farm/wormcastings/dr. Earth dry amendments soil, but a buddy just said that I shouldn't use straight RO water, not even with organic soil. I boil egg shells once every week or so and also have an organic seaweed...
  14. G

    Macro pics day 54

    Clipped off a small sample from the Jack Herer today. Day 55
  15. G

    Macro pics day 54

    Just took some pics of the ladies. Day 54. Northern Lights Jack Herer Super Silver Haze
  16. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    I clean mine after every cycle really good with rubbing alcohol. I take the light down and whipe that too. Wash the cloth of my carbon filter... the tent is usually empty for a day or two, then the young ones get moved to their new habitat.
  17. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    Nice. Time for flower and maybe a bit of defoliating, but people's opinions are mixed about that too. Same as with the darkness. Been growing since summer last year and I've always done it so far. I'm honestly not sure if it makes a big difference.
  18. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    Yup, 8 to 10 weeks. 60 days is usually 8 and a half weeks for me. Then I put them into darkness for 48 hours, but I can't wait much longer than that lol Foxfarm soil is great, just the nutes are not 100% organic and my plants didnt respond well to them during the first weeks of flower (the...
  19. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    Just noticed your post says organics. What are those nutes? I just started my first organic run, leaving behind the foxfarm nutes, only moving forward with their soil and now adding worm castings and dr. earth dry amendments. Started the seeds about 12 days ago in solo cups, transplanted them to...
  20. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    I started off with a 3x3, but then upgraded to the same size you got now. It barely fits into my walk-in closet, but I made it work lol. 5 gallons have worked for me so far, but the bigger the better they say haha.