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  1. M

    I return from vacation to find this... help!! pix!

    They look like you overdosed on nutrients, or been too close to the light, just flush them with plain h20 for 2 days and keep the humidity at a consistent 55%-70% and the room temp at a range between 70-80 degrees. hopefully that helps.
  2. M

    leaves curling under

    you retard. are you trying to make necklaces?
  3. M

    Strugglin plant, curling leaves

    Most likely some kind of stress, Possibly from a fan blowing on it, too close to light, your ph could be too high or too low, room/soil temperature could be a problem also, what kind of fertz are you feeding it? not much i hope.
  4. M

    10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.

    you guys arefukin idiots just read the grow faq
  5. M

    Early veg. flood timing

    I am an semi-expierenced sucsessful soil grower and am now switching over to hydroponics. I have my setup as follows: 1. 3x3 ebbnflo table 2. 400wmh 3. 30 plants, 20 sweet tooth/10 BB they are in the first week of veg. I have them in 1.5 inch rockwool cubes surrounded by hydroton in 5inch net...