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  1. jammer4419

    Germination techinque

    KCBUDLUVR great strategy. People trying to reinvent the wheel
  2. jammer4419

    Germination techinque

    The last 2 weeks is rough
  3. jammer4419

    K.C. Brains Special Haze

    I tried asafan
  4. jammer4419

    K.C. Brains Special Haze

    I will post pics as avatar , since I cant figure out the upload. I am baffled and not clueless.
  5. jammer4419

    K.C. Brains Special Haze

    I am in day 14 of 12/12 from seed. All 10 seeds sprouted, most bushy 2 look a bit taller. they should show sex by day 21 and then finish 12 weeks later. I am amazed how fast and healthy they look. Im using one 400hps. I did alot of research. This seems best method to control the height. good luck
  6. jammer4419

    read all the guides, but still unsure

    My last thought is 7.1 ph with miracle grow burned seedlings. I would start new seeds, these might be stunted. you want healthy plants from day 1. Find 1 successful grow journal for your type of seed and follow exactly.
  7. jammer4419

    read all the guides, but still unsure
  8. jammer4419

    read all the guides, but still unsure

    Dump miracle grow soil and get fox farms ocean forest.. mix with pelite 60/40 . leave alone and use plain 6.5 ph water for 25 days then start feedings. light at first then more then more.. success every time. Soil is worth the 22 bucks it does the work for you.
  9. jammer4419

    read all the guides, but still unsure

    Dont fertilize . pull light up to 24 inches and water at 6.0 ph . or start over they might be to far burned.. Good luck
  10. jammer4419

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    you can set them out now. Im in NC and mine are fine
  11. jammer4419

    I need an Aerogarden expert

    Get the deluxe upgrade the arm extends higher and more lights. you can grow 4 plants if flowered at 10 inches. I have a question 2 grams Really? thats not worth the effort
  12. jammer4419

    A.M.S is here

    Here is a pic of AMS . flowered at 10 inches grown inside flowering outside. she grew to 33 inches and yieldy 1 awesome oz. Pick me up buzz no munchies. A very easy to clone plant. This was a great learning experience and am now flowering Wonder Woman and know this will be more rewarding.Peace...
  13. jammer4419

    Caramelicious Strain, where to get

    fake add ?only company to carry it and they dont ship it? doesnt exist
  14. jammer4419

    Big Bud/White Rhino Grow - Aeroponics Grow

    Great Stuff! Did you count flowering days from light change or first sign of hairs?
  15. jammer4419

    AeroGarden Grow - Start To Finish

    Yo Von, I have a board with 2 18" flo tubes attached and lean it up against the AG with a small fan blowing always to make the stems sturdy. The flo tubes seam to really help the growth on bottom that AG lights dont reach.
  16. jammer4419

    A.M.S is here

    That looks exactly like the Mazar bud. I am flowering 1 AMS as of today
  17. jammer4419

    AeroGarden Grow - Start To Finish

    fifth sells starter plugs that fit perfect in the AG holes without the basket . Plants roots explode with them.very cheap
  18. jammer4419

    AeroGarden Grow - Start To Finish

    I cant believe you guys arent putting foil on the surface to reflect light. Just cover surface with foil or mylar and cut some holes.
  19. jammer4419

    Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics).

    Daveg1 great stuff I have ag pro and mine is working great i also put foil on the base to reflect light back up into plant also. Keep growin
  20. jammer4419

    Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics).

    I also put foil on the surface it covers the unused holes and prevents algae and a piece of a box covered in foil to put in the front to reflect light back in