read all the guides, but still unsure


Active Member
first off, this is more of a warmup, testing things. getting a feel for growing. i know my medium is less than stellar, but its just where i want to start. but not sure if the soil itself is causing burn, or not enough nutes at this point in its life, or heat/light burn and stress. or is it time to acutally fertilize? thoughts?? see pics. thanks

What is your experience level? first time

Your Equipment:
.1) Type and wattage of lights. 600w HPS
.2) Distance from tops?:18inches
.3) Reflector type? hydrofarm daystar
.4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?: yes
.5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan?: both
.6) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule?: 18h/day

Your medium:
.7) Specific brand and type of soil, (coco, peat based soilless...) and anything you've added to it. (vermiculite, perlite, worm castings...): miracle grow potting soil
.8) Size of container.: 1gal
.9) Did you use peat pucks (or similar) to root clones or germinate seedlings?: yes

Your nutrients and water:
10) Source of water? (tap, bottled or filtered) What's it's ph before adjusting?: tap. 7.1
11) Method of checking water ph. (ph pen, test strips, aquarium test kit...): hannah PH meter
12) Method of adjusting water ph. (phosphoric acid, white vinegar, hydrated lime, PH Up...): havent yet
13) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule.: no nutes, just tap
14) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering?: 2 days or so, its drying out soil pretty quickly
15) Any additives or tea's? (Superthrive, CalMag, molasses, Mother's Earth...): none
16) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate?: no soil PH measured yet
17) What is your ingoing water's ph? ...your runoff ph?: i know it goes in at 7.1 havent tested run off.
18) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray?: no

Your growroom:
19) Indoors or outdoors?: indoors
20) What size of closet, room or hut?: basement crawlspace
21) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? ...With lights off?: on, 84-81F, 40%hum; off 64-72, 40%hum
22) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom?: none

Your strain:
23) What strain are you growing?: lowryder autoflower fem
24) From seeds or clones?: seeds
25) Is this an autoflower strain?: yes



Active Member
Dont fertilize . pull light up to 24 inches and water at 6.0 ph . or start over they might be to far burned.. Good luck


Active Member
Dump miracle grow soil and get fox farms ocean forest.. mix with pelite 60/40 . leave alone and use plain 6.5 ph water for 25 days then start feedings. light at first then more then more.. success every time. Soil is worth the 22 bucks it does the work for you.


Active Member
My last thought is 7.1 ph with miracle grow burned seedlings. I would start new seeds, these might be stunted. you want healthy plants from day 1. Find 1 successful grow journal for your type of seed and follow exactly.