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  1. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    Can you explain why you chastise Trump for his disgusting sexual displays, but give Biden a free pass? I am trying to understand your blatant hypocrisy.
  2. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    both those videos are the same. Are you ok?
  3. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    " I can't fathom the rich & powerful getting away with things normal people can't get away with, so it must not be true"! Man, you must have been taken so many times in your life, I almost feel bad for you.
  4. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    Cool, you support grabbing under age girls nipple's. Try not to talk about that, you will probably get beat the fk up.
  5. Buss Relville

    Joe Biden's political missteps

    Huh? I thought you bootlickers loved the FBI?
  6. Buss Relville

    Joe Biden's political missteps

    Bahahahaha, according to who?
  7. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    Nice argument " Biden is a pedophile, but Trump is too!!!!" That still makes you a pedophile supporter. LOL
  8. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    Go pinch a young girl's nipple like Biden did, on camera. Tell me how that goes!
  9. Buss Relville

    A Clockwork Orange

    close enough
  10. Buss Relville

    Joe Biden's political missteps

    The ones she literally smashed with a hammer?
  11. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    You think every video of Biden out there acting inappropriately with children is doctored? You are going to be extremely upset & disgusted when you realize they are 100% real. Please, disprove a single video of Biden touching children. I would love to be proved wrong.
  12. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    What the fuck is wrong with you guys? NOBODY in their right mind EVER thinks it is ok to touch children like this. Why do you support BLATANT child abuse/pedophilia? I'd be careful what you guys say in public.
  13. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    Fake news? It's a video, where anybody can clearly hear what he says/ I hope you get your children taken from you, pedophile supporter. You are one sick fuck.
  14. Buss Relville

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    Pedophile supporter. Does your wife know that you are a pedophile supporter?
  15. Buss Relville

    President Cuomo

    Holy shit, you are such a shill. You are one of those bottom feeding bootlicking dumbass Americans that believe whatever bullshit the government sticks up your ass.